Optional Dependant Life Insurance

Optional Dependent Life Insurance

Spouse or dependent children are covered for the following amounts of life insurance:

• Spouse - $5,000 
• Dependent Children - $2,000

In the event of the death of the employee's spouse and/or dependent children while insured, the amount of dependent life insurance is payable to the employee.

Conversion Privilege 

Dependent life insurance continues for 31 days following the employee's death, classification changing to one in which the employee is not insured, or termination of employment. During this 31-day period the spouse's amount of dependent life insurance may be converted, provided the spouse is under 66 years of age, to any individual whole life or convertible one-year term or term to age 65 plan without submitting evidence of health. The premium rate will be determined from the employee's spouse's age and class of risk at the time of conversion.

Extended Dependent Life Coverage 
Dependent life coverage shall continue without premium payment following the death of the employee up to a maximum of 24 months from the date of death or to the date the policy or benefit terminates, or the insured no longer qualifies as a dependent, whichever is earlier. The dependent has to name a beneficiary on the death of the employee.

All other provisions shall be the same as for basic employee life except that waiver of premium also ceases upon coverage or policy termination.

Eligible Dependents 

Dependents shall include only the following persons who are residents in Canada. Dependents are defined as an employee's spouse (as described below), and dependent children. A dependent child shall include an employee's child or children (from live birth), children of the marriage, legally adopted children and children of the employee's spouse. To be considered a dependent, the child must be unmarried, not employed on a regular and full-time basis, and under 21 years of age. A child age 21 to 25 inclusive will be considered a dependent if in full-time attendance at an accredited school, college or university. A student whose normal residence is in Canada will also be considered a dependent when attending school outside Canada. A child of the employee's spouse shall be considered a dependent only if the child is also the employee's child; or the spouse is living with the employee and has custody of the child.

Unmarried, unemployed children 21 years of age or older qualify if they are dependent upon the covered employee by reason of a mental or physical disability.

The term "spouse" is defined as a person who is legally married to the employee, or a person who is married to the employee as a result of a valid civil or religious ceremony, or, although not legally married to the employee, has continuously cohabited with the employee for a minimum period of 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the date on which a claim arose, provided the existence of such common-law relationship could be established to the satisfaction of the Insurer. A common-law relationship must include continuous cohabitation and public representation of married status. If the employee has been married to more than one person, the term spouse shall mean only the person to whom the employee was most recently married, using the above criteria.

Application For Optional Dependent Life Insurance

To apply for Optional Dependent Life Insurance, an employee much complete the necessary Fillable Form.

Effective date for coverage is employee's date of hire as long as application for coverage is made within 31 days of date of hire. After 31 days, an employee must obtain appropriate forms from Human Resources to apply for coverage, and effective date of coverage will be the date the benefit is approved by the insurer. Payroll deductions would commence at this time.


Insurance terminates in the event of:

    • Employee attaining age 70 or when dependent is no longer eligible whichever occurs first.


Contact us
Human Resources
(902) 496-8116
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
McNally South 111
923 Robie Street
Halifax NS B3H 3C3