Clouded Ware

"Clouded" Ware

  • Type: Cream coloured earthenware
  • Date range: c.1750-1775
  • Place of origin: England

The "clouded" ware developed shortly after the introduction of creamware.

Thomas Astbury and Thomas Whieldon mixed ground flints into the clay that gave white-saltglaze when high fired and a cream-coloured ware when fired at lower temperatures. After preliminary firing, the ware could be dipped in a clear glaze.

In about 1750, tea wares were coloured under the glaze, which produced the ware known as "clouded" ware. The colours used for this were purple, brown, yellow, green and gray.

See Noel Hume 1976: 123


Photo: "Clouded" ware rim sherd: dot, diaper, basket patter

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