SHIELS, Christine Anne - 1986

Geomorphological Changes Along the Central North Coast of Prince Edward Island 1935 - 1985

The purpose of this study was to examine the changing geomorphology of the central north coast of Prince Edward Island between 1935 and 1985, using aerial photography. Particular emphasis included an examination of shoreface bar morphology, and coastal beachface widths.

Descriptive changes were enhanced by quantitative data collected using a stratified random sampling scheme at 500 m Intervals along the coast. Changes were analyzed using both a comparative static approach and a longitudinal approach using absolute change variables. Statistical measures were limited to the mean, standard deviation, and range.

The results of this study indicate rapid sediment accumulation has occurred at little Rustico Inlet and Covehead Inlet, while the largest amount of erosion was located on the western tip of Rustico Island. Also apparent in this study was a lag in dune development occurring along Brackley Beach and Tracadie Barrier Beach.

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