EDMUNDSON, Erin – 2005

Collection of Base-Line Water Quality Data and Shoreline Classification of the Nine Mile River


The purpose of this research was to provide base line data on fluvial and watershed characteristics of the Nine Mile River indicative of water quality and overall river health. Chemical and physical water quality parameters were studied, with focus placed on temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids and total suspended solids. A shoreline investigation, studying land use, erosion, riverbed substrate, and aquatic and terrain vegetation, was conducted to determine current or future problem areas.

Methods used to collect this information were observation and water samples. Weekly grab samples were used for total suspended solid data, while hourly collection of the other parameters were gathered using a Data Sonde 4 Hydrolab.

The lack of woody debris found in the Nine Mile River could pose a problem for fish and other aquatic life that need the debris for shelter and nutrients. A few sites with minimal riparian zones were identified, but no adverse affects to the river were found. It was determined that all water parameters were within the guidelines for the health of aquatic life.

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