JEAN, Emlyn Angela - 1997

Land Use Impacts Around the Port of Halifax and the Halifax International Airport 1971-1996

The present study makes use of land use data gathered and mapped for the study years 1971, 1981, and 1996, in order to determine land use impacts around the Port of Halifax and the Halifax International Airport. The land use data are mapped for the census tracts located adjacent to Ceres Terminal in the North End of the Port of Halifax and Halterm Terminal in the South End of the Port of Halifax. Land use data for the Halifax International airport are mapped based on a 21 km by 21 km grid centred on the airport. Data are not mapped according to census tracts because the census tracts are too large.

An attempt is also made to obtain citizens' reactions towards terminal development in the vicinity of residential areas. Two variables, population and average value of dwellings are studied for the census tracts, Halifax City, Subdivision E, and Halifax Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) in order to decide whether census tracts around the terminals are growing faster or slower than the wider Halifax City in the case of the Halifax International Airport, and the wider Halifax CMA.

The transportation terminals appear to have little influence on the land use around them. Land uses, for example Commercial and Manufacturing usually associated with transportation terminals show no significant growth. Residential land use usually considered to be incompatible with transportation terminals displayed continuous growth over the study period.

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