
Faculty - Jacob Hanley, portrait image, Geology

Jacob Hanley

Department of Geology
PDF., (2007) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Phone: (902) 491 6334
Office: S414
Email: jacob.hanley@smu.ca

Research Website


Research Interests:

  • Magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits
  • The formation of precious metal deposits and critical metals deposits
  • High temperature geochemistry
  • Analytical geochemistry
  • The chemistry of ancient (Archeological) metals and alloys

Teaching Courses:

  • GEOL 3312: Igneous Petrology
  • GEOL 3453: Principles of Geochemistry
  • GEOL 3454: Applied Geochemistry
  • GEOL 4400: International Field Camp
  • GEOL 4441: Mineral Resources
  • GEOL 4442: Economic Geology Field School
  • GEOL 4450: Advanced Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Refereed Publications since 2003 (* indicates trainee under Hanley’s supervision):


M. Zentilli, C. Omelon, J.J. Hanley, *LeFort D. (2019). Paleohydrothermal predecessor to perennial spring activity in thick permafrost in the Canadian high Arctic,and its relation to deep salt structures: Expedition Fiord, Alex Heiberg Island, Nunavut. Geofluids, in press.

*K. Neyedley, J.J Hanley, H.Falck, R.J. Bodnar, L. Fedele, M. Fayek, and R. Sharpe (2019) Recognition of sub-economic magmatic sulfide mineralizing processes in the Caribou Lake Gabbro, Northwest Territories, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, in revision


*M.J. Kerr, J.J. Hanley, D.J. Kontak, G.G. Morrison, J. Petrus, M. Fayek. (2018) Evidence of upgrading of gold tenor in an orogenic quartz-carbonate vein system by late magmatic-hydrothermal fluids at the Madrid Deposit, Hope Bay Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 140, p. 180-218

V. Owen, *M. Stimson, *M. Kerr, J.J. Hanley (2018). Geochemistry of pink corundum-bearing feldspathic gneiss, Frenchvale Quarry, Cape Breton Island: metamorphism of albitized, Fe-poor clastic rocks. Mineralogical Magazine, in press

*E. Owen, V. Owen, J.J. Hanley, *N. Kennedy (2018). Development of an integrated body-glaze layer on an 18th Century lead-glazed true porcelain teapot from Philadelphia: insights from kiln-firing experiments on compositional analogues. Historical Archaeology, in press.

*N.C. Hurtig, J.J. Hanley, and A.P. Gysi (2018) The role of hydrocarbons for ore formation at the Pillara Mississippi Valley-Type Zn-Pb ore formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 102, p. 875-893

*E. E. Adlakha, J.J. Hanley, H. Falck, and B. Boucher (2018) The origin of mineralizing hydrothermal fluids recorded in apatite chemistry at the Cantung tungsten skarn deposit, NWT, Canada. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 30, p. 1095-1113

J.J. Hanley and M. Guillong (2018) submitted to Mineralium Deposita. Gold- and palladium-rich sulfide melt inclusions in xenocrysts from a mid-crustal magma chamber, Mt. Milligan porphyry deposit, B.C., Canada.


J.J. Hanley and K.T. Koga (2017) (Book) Chapter 2. Halogens in Terrestrial and Cosmic Geochemical Systems: Abundances, Geochemical Behaviors and Analytical Methods. In: Harlov D, Aranovich LY (eds). The role of halogens in terrestrial and extraterrestrial geochemical processes: Surface, crust, and mantle. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 21-121.

*K. Neyedley, J.J. Hanley, M. Fayek, and D. Kontak (2017) Textural, fluid inclusion and stable O isotope constraints on vein formation and gold precipitation, 007 deposit, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada. Economic Geology, vol. 112. p. 629-660.

V. Owen and J.J. Hanley (2017) Bartlam Porcelain Recreated. American Ceramics Circle Journal vol. 19, p. 69-97.


J. Dostal., T.R. van Hengstum, J.G. Shellnutt, and J.J. Hanley (2016) Evolution of Late Paleozoic rhyolites of the Harvey Group, southwestern New Brunswick (Canada) hosting uranium mineralization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 171:59.

Y, Kettanah, M. Zentilli, J.J. Hanley, and F. Tweedale (2016) Geological setting and fluid inclusion characteristics of a lead-copper-barium occurrence hosted in a Neoproterozoic mafic sill at Kiatak, Northumberland Island, Northwestern Greenland. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 79, p. 268-287.


J.J. Hanley, *M.A. MacMillan, *M.J. Kerr, *K.M. Watts, *M.R. Warren, D.E. Ames (2015) Recent advances in fluid and melt inclusion and applied mineralogical research in the Sudbury mining camp: improving ore genesis models and exploration success. In: Ames, D.E. (ed). Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 – Canadian Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements-Chromium ore systems: Fertility, pathfinders, new and revised models. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 7856, p. 209-226.

Z. Zhang, Y. Fedortchouk, and J.J. Hanley (2015) Evolution of diamond resorption in a silicic aqueous fluid at 1-3 GPa: application to kimberlite magma and mantle metasomatism. Lithos, vol 227, p. 79-193.

*M. Warren, J.J. Hanley, D.E. Ames, and S. Jackson (2015) The use of biotite chemistry as a pathfinder for magmatic sulfide mineralization, Sudbury, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 153, p. 11-29.

*M.J. Kerr, J.J. Hanley, G. Morrison, J. Everest, C. Bray (2015) Gas chromatographic analysis of bulk fluid inclusion hydrocarbons as an exploration tool, Sudbury, Canada. Economic Geology. vol. 110, p. 531-556.


*K.Neyedley, J.J.  Hanley, H. Falck,  M. Fayek, R. Sharpe (2014) Mineralogy, geochemistry, stable isotopes, and preliminary fluid inclusion analysis of the Caribou Lake mafic-ultramafic intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada. NWT Geoscience Open File Report 2014-09, 20 p.

*K. M. Watts, J.J. Hanley, D.E. Ames, D.J. Kontak and J. Petrus (2014) Chemical databases for apatite and melt inclusions from a study of the 1850 Ma Sudbury Igneous Complex (Ontario, Canada). Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 7710, 8 p. + figures/tables.

P. Jutras, M.J. LeForte and J.J. Hanley (2014) Record of climatic fluctuations and high pH weathering conditions in a thick Ordovician palaeosol developed in rhyolite of the Dunn Point Formation, Arisaig, Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Magazine, vol. 152, p. 143-165


A. Karim, J. J. Hanley, G. Pe-Piper, D.J.W. Piper (2012) Paleohydrogeological and thermal events recorded by fluid inclusions, stable isotopes and geochemistry of diagenetic minerals in Lower Cretaceous sandstones, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada.  AAPG Bulletin, 96: 1147-1169.

P. Jutras, J.J. Hanley, R.S. Quillan, and M.J. LeFort (2012) Intra-basaltic soil formation, sedimentary reworking and eodiagenetic K-enrichment in the Middle to Upper Ordovician Dunn Point Formation of eastern Canada: a rare window into early Paleozoic surface and near-surface conditions. Geological Magazine 149: 798-818.

T. Pettke, F. Oberli, A. Audétat, M. Guillong, A. Simon, J.J. Hanley, and L.M. Klemm (2012) Recent developments in element concentration and isotope ratio analysis of individual fluid inclusions by laser ablation single and multiple collector ICP–MS. Ore Geology Reviews, 44: 10-38.

S. Gilbert, L. Danyushevsky, P. Robinson, C. Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser, N. Pearson,  M. Norman, J.J. Hanley, and D. Savard (2012) The development of a nickel sulphide reference material for the analysis of platinum-group elements and gold by LA-ICP-MS and an assessment of consistency between a range of existing reference materials. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 37: 51-64


J.J. Hanley, *E.R. Gladney and M. Guillong (2011) The presence of non-aqueous volatiles during the crystallization of sulfide-bearing mafic pegmatites in the North Roby Zone, Lac Des Iles Complex, Ontario. Economic Geology 106: 33-54.

*T.R. Gray, J.J. Hanley, J. Dostal, and M.Guillong (2011) Magmatic enrichment of uranium, thorium and rare earth elements in late Paleozoic rhyolites of southern New Brunswick, Canada: evidence from silicate melt inclusions. Economic Geology 106: 127-143.

*A.Teague, J.J. Hanley and T. Seward (2011) Trace element distribution between coexisting phenocrysts, salt melts, and aqueous fumarole condensates associated with natrocarbonatite lavas at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania In (Beccaluva,L., Bianchini,G., and Wilson, M. eds) Volcanism and evolution of the African lithosphere, Geological Society of America Special Paper 478: 159-172.

J.J. Hanley, D.E. Ames, J. Barnes, Z.D. Sharp (2011) Interaction of magmatic fluids and silicate residues with saline groundwater in the footwall of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada: new evidence from bulk rock geochemistry, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Chemical Geology 281:1-25.

*D. Lefort, J.J. Hanley and M. Guillong (2011) Late-stage hydrothermal veins at the Mt. Milligan Cu-Au deposit, Quesnel Terrane, British Columbia: evidence for epithermal-style processes adjacent to an alkalic porphyry Cu-Au deposit. Economic Geology 106: 781-808.

A. Karim, G. Pe-Piper, D.J.W. Piper, J. J. Hanley (2011) Thermal and hydrocarbon-charge history and the relationship between diagenesis and reservoir connectivity: Venture field, offshore Nova Scotia, eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 48: 1293-1306.


A. Karim, G. Pe-Piper, D.J.W. Piper, J. J. Hanley (2010) Thermal and hydrocarbon-charge history and the relationship between diagenesis and reservoir connectivity: Venture field, offshore Nova Scotia, eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 6557, 30 p.


J.J. Hanley and C. J. Bray (2009) The trace metal content of amphibole as a proximity indicator for Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization in the footwall of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada. Economic Geology, 104: 113-12

B. Xianwu, H. Ruizhong, J.J. Hanley, J.E. Mungall, P. Jiantang, S. Linbo, W. Kaixing, S. Yan, L. Hongli, H. Xiaoyan (2009) Crystallisation conditions (T, P, fO2) from mineral chemistry of Cu- and Au-mineralised alkaline intrusions in the Red RiverJinshajiang alkaline igneous belt, western Yunnan Province, China. Mineralogy and Petrology 96: 43-58

*Z.Zajacz, J.J. Hanley, C.A. Heinrich, W. E. Halter, M. Guillong (2009) Diffusive reequilibration of quartz-hosted silicate melt and fluid inclusions: Are all metal concentrations unmodified? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73: 3013-3027


J.J. Hanley, J.E. Mungall, T. Pettke, E.T.C. Spooner, and C.J. Bray (2008). Fluid and melt inclusions of magmatic origin in the Ultramafic and Lower Banded Series, Stillwater Complex, Montana, U.S.A. Journal of Petrology, 49, 6, 1133-1160


J.J. Hanley (2007) The role of arsenic-rich melts and mineral phases in the development of high grade Pt-Pd mineralization within komatiite-associated magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide horizons at Dundonald Beach South, Abitibi subprovince, Ontario, Canada. Economic Geology, 102:303-315


J. J. Hanley, D.E. Ames, J Barnes, Z. Sharp, and T. Pettke (2006) Stable isotope evidence for multiple sources of Cl in ore fluids at the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada. The Gangue, 90: 1, and 6-9.

J.E. Mungall, J.J. Hanley, N.T. Arndt, and A. Debecdelievre (2006) Evidence from meimechites and other low-degree mantle melts for redox controls on mantle-crust fractionation of platinum-group elements. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 103: 12695-12700


J.J. Hanley (2005) The aqueous geochemistry of the platinum-group elements (PGE) in surficial, low-T hydrothermal and high-T magmatic-hydrothermal environments. In (J.E. Mungall, ed.) Exploration for Platinum-Group Element Deposits. Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course Volume 35: 35-56

J.J. Hanley, J.E. Mungall, T.Pettke, and E.T.C. Spooner (2005). Ore metal redistribution by hydrocarbon-brine and hydrocarbon-halide melt phases, North Range footwall of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 40: 237-256  

J.J. Hanley, T. Pettke, J.E. Mungall, and E.T.C. Spooner (2005).  Investigations of the behavior and distribution of platinum and gold in silicate melt – brine mixtures at 1.5 kbar, 600 to 800°C using synthetic fluid inclusions methods: a laser ablation ICPMS pilot study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69: 2593-2611


J.J. Hanley, J.E. Mungall, C.J. Bray and M.P. Gorton (2004). The origin of bulk rock and water-soluble Cl and Br enrichments in footwall Cu-Ni-PGE ore-hosting Sudbury Breccia in the Fraser Copper Zone, Strathcona Embayment, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist 42: 1777-1798

J.E. Mungall, D.E. Ames, J.J. Hanley. (2004) Crustal redistribution in large bolide impacts: geochemical evidence from the Sudbury Structure. Nature. 6990: 546-548

J.E. Mungall and  J.J. Hanley (2004). Origin of Outliers of the Huronian Supergroup within the Sudbury Structure. Journal of Geology. 112: 59-70


J.J. Hanley and J.E. Mungall (2003). Chlorine enrichment and hydrous alteration of the Sudbury Breccia hosting footwall Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization at the Fraser Mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, 41: 857-881

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Department of Geology
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