

Pierre Jutras

Department of Geology
Ph.D., (2001) Université du Québec à Montréal
Phone: (902) 420 5749
Office: S409
Email: pierre.jutras@smu.ca


Research Interests:

  • Sedimentology; stratigraphy; structural geomorphology
  • Lower Carboniferous tectonostratigraphy of the Maritimes Basin
  • Sedimentology and paleogeography of Viséan clastic rocks adjacent to the Windsor Sea
  • Paleoenvironment of phreatic calcretes in the geological record
  • Early Paleozoic pedogenic environments

Additional Research Interests:

Sedimentology, tectonostratigraphy and landscape evolution of the late Paleozoic Maritimes Basin. Present work includes: evolution of the Windsor Sea margins during the Viséan; distribution, stratigraphic position and petrology of thick and massive phreatic calcretes within the Maritimes Basin; sedimentology and tectonostratigraphy of Viséan continental clastics in the Maritimes Basin; tectonic evolution of the Maritimes Basin during the Late Devonian and the Mississippian; evolution of weathering conditions through geological times; Lower Carboniferous phreatic calcretes in southwest Scotland.

Teaching Courses:

  • GEOL 2325: Sedimentology
  • GEOL 3305: Geophysics
  • GEOL 3300: Field Methods
  • GEOL 3326: Sedimentary Petrology and Stratigraphy
  • APSC 6600: Graduate Seminar

Refereed Publications:

Jutras, P., in press. Tectonostratigraphic, palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic settings of successive intervals of host-replacing phreatic calcrete developed in mud deposits of the Famennian Kinnesswood Formation in the Pennyseorach Subbasin of south-west Scotland. Sedimentology.

Columnar host-replacing phreatic calcrete hardpans, fissure calcretes, stable isotopes, Famennian, Kinnesswood Formation, south-west Scotland

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Dostal, J., Jutras, P., and Solari, L.A., in press. Late Devonian felsic magmatism in southern New Brunswick and its association with a large igneous province that may have contributed to the Frasnian-Famennian extinction. Lithos.

Late Devonian, felsic magmatism, caldera, large igneous province, Northern Appalachians, Kellwasser Event

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Jutras, P., Dostal, J., 2023. Late Ordovician to Early Devonian tectono-magmatic prequel to the Acadian Orogeny in northeastern North America and the British Isles. Gondwana Research 124, 378–400. 

Appalachian–Caledonian Belt, arc magmatism, continental collisions, slab failure, A2-type igneous rocks, West Avalonia, composite East Avalonia, South and North Ganderia

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Jutras, P., 2022. Tectonostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental settings of a host-replacing phreatic calcrete hardpan developed in the Famennian Kinnesswood Formation on the Isle of Bute, Southwest Scotland. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 92: 797 - 812.  

Host-replacing phreatic calcrete hardpan, pseudo-synclines, dissolved salt withdrawal structures, brackish water carbonates, stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen  

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Dostal, J., Jutras, P., and Wilson, R., 2022. Geochemical and Nd isotopic constraints on the origin of Upper Silurian rhyolitic rocks in the northern Appalachians (northern New Brunswick): tectonic implications. In: Y. Kuiper, J.B. Murphy, R. D. Nance, R.S. Strachan, and M.D. Thompson (Editors), New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen. Geological Society of America Special Publication 554. 

Rhyolites, Silurian, Dickie Cove Group, Salinic Orogeny, slab failure, Ganderia 

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Dostal, J., and Jutras, P., 2021. Tectonic and petrogenetic settings of the Eocene Challis-Kamloops volcanic belt of western Canada and the northwestern United States. International Geological Review, 64, 2565-2583, https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2021.1992800 

Challis-Kamloops volcanic belt, Eocene, Siletzia, Andean subduction, slab failure, model ages, Western Cordillera, Intermontane Superterrane 

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Dostal, J., Wilson, R., and Jutras, P., 2021. Petrogenesis of Siluro-Devonian rhyolites of the Tobique Group in the northwestern Appalachians (northern New Brunswick, Canada): Tectonic implications for the accretion history of peri-Gondwanan terranes along the Laurentian margin. In: Quesada, C., Strachan, R. and Murphy, B. (eds), Pannotia To Pangea: Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic orogenic cycles in the circum-North Atlantic region. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 503: 391–407.

Rhyolites, Silurian, Devonian, Tobique Group, Ganderia, Tetagouche-Exploits back arc basin, Salinic Orogeny, slab failure, bimodal volcanism, dehydration melting

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Jutras, P., Murphy, J.B., Quick, D., and Dostal, J., 2020. Evolution of subduction dynamics beneath West Avalonia in Middle to Late Ordovician times. Lithosphere, 2020, Article 8837633, 22 pp. https://doi.org/10.2113/2020/8837633

Igneous petrology and geochemistry, arc volcanic rocks, backarc shortening, trachyandesite, introducing the new Seaspray Cove Formation, ridge subduction, slab window volcanism

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Jutras, P., Dostal, J., Kamo, S., 2019. Trace element−enriched mid-Visean dikes in the New Carlisle area of Quebec, Canada: Unusual products of a tholeiitic melt sourced from metasomatized mantle rocks and fractionated in a brine-rich upper-crustal environment. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 131: 2079-2093. doi.org/10.1130/B35206.1

Visean, tholeiitic dykes, subduction-enriched mantle source, evaporitic groundwater, halogen complexing, high-field-strength element enrichment

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Jutras, P., Dostal, J., 2019. The Upper Visean Magdalen Islands Basalts of Eastern Quebec, Canada: a Complex Assemblage of Contrasting Mafic Rock Types Erupted in Peak Stages of Transtensional Basin Development above a Mantle Plume. Journal of Geology, 127: 505-526.

Visean, transtensional basin, plume-related magmatism, spinel lherzolite source, thermal stratification, tholeiitic and alkali basalt, magma mixing

Jutras, P., Dostal, J., Kamo, S., and Matheson, Z., 2018. Tectonostratigraphic and petrogenetic setting of late Mississippian volcanism in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55: 356-372. doi: 10.1139/cjes-2017-0176

Alkali basalt, clastic sedimentology, felsic volcanic rocks, pull-apart basin, trace element geochemistry

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Jutras, P., 2017. Climate fluctuations recorded in phreatic and vadose calcretes of the Lower Carboniferous Clyde Sandstone Formation of Machrihanish, Kintyre Peninsula, Southwest Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 174: 646-654. doi: 10.1144/jgs2016-043

Host-replacing phreatic calcrete hardpans; invasive phreatic calcrete cement; stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen; palaeoclimate; Clyde Sandstone Formation; Mull Slide; Lower Carboniferous; Scotland

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Dostal, J., and Jutras, P., 2016. Upper Paleozoic mafic and intermediate volcanic rocks associated with Sn-W deposits of the Mount Pleasant caldera in southwestern New Brunswick (Canada): Petrogenesis and metallogenic implications. Lithos, 262: 428–441.

Tholeiitic basalt; calc-alkaline andesite; assimilation-fractional crystallization; Sn-W deposit; Devonian

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Jutras, P., 2016. The Role of Salt Tectonics, Glacioeustatic Variations, and High pH Evaporitic Groundwater in the Development of Synsedimentary Paleokarst within Carboniferous Polymictic Fanglomerate at Hopewell Cape, Atlantic Canada. The Journal of Geology, 124: 447-462. doi/abs/10.1086/686630.

Paleokarst in conglomerate; silicate solubility; alkaline groundwater; halokinesis; glacioeustasy; Lower Carboniferous; Visean

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Jutras, P., McLeod, J., MacRae, R.A. and Utting, J., 2016. Complex interplay of faulting, glacioeustatic variations and halokinesis during deposition of upper Viséan units over thick evaporites in the western Cumberland Basin of Atlantic Canada. Basin Research, 28: 483–506, doi: 10.1111/bre.12119.

Halokinesis; sea entrapment; strike-slip basin; marginal marine deposits; continental clastic rocks; Windsor Group; Percé Group; Lower  Carboniferous; Viséan

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Jutras, P., M.J. LeForte and Hanley, J.J., 2015. Record of climatic fluctuations and high pH weathering conditions in a thick Ordovician palaeosol developed in rhyolite of the Dunn Point Formation, Arisaig, Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Magazine, 152: 143–165.

Intra-rhyolite palaesol; Ordovician; pedogenesis; element mobility; eluviation-illuviation patterns; palaeoclimate signatures; alkaline soil water

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Jutras, P., McLeod, J., and Utting, J., 2015. Sedimentology of the lower Serpukhovian (upper Mississippian) Mabou Group in the Cumberland Basin of eastern Canada; tectonic, halokinetic and climatic implications. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52: 1150–1168, doi: 10.1139/cjes-2015-0062.

Continental clastic rocks; Climatic cyclicity; Tectonostratigraphy; Mabou Group; Lower Carboniferous; Serpukhovian

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Jutras, P., Hanley, J.J., Quillan, R.S., and M.J. LeForte, 2012. Intra-basaltic soil formation, sedimentary reworking and eodiagenetic K-enrichment in the Middle to Upper Ordovician Dunn Point Formation of eastern Canada: a rare window into early Paleozoic surface and near-surface conditions. Geological Magazine, 149: 798-818

Intra-basaltic paleosols; Ordovician, pedogenesis;, element mobility; cheluviation; potassium enrichment; alkaline groundwater

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Jutras, P., Young G.M., Caldwell W.G.E., 2011. Reinterpretation of James Hutton's historic discovery on the Isle of Arran as a double unconformity masked by a phreatic calcrete hardpan. Geology, 39: 147-150.

Eodiagenetic petrology (phreatic and pedogenic calcretes); geochemistry (stable isotopes); upper Paleozoic stratigraphy

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Jutras, P., Quillan, R.S. and LeForte, M.J., 2009. Evidence from Middle Ordovician paleosols for the predominance of alkaline groundwater at the dawn of land plant radiation. Geology, 37: 91-94.

Paleopedology (paleosols); geochemistry (variation diagrams)

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Jutras, P., Utting, J. and McLeod, J., 2007. Link between long-lasting evaporitic basins and the development of thick and massive phreatic calcrete hardpans in the Mississippian Windsor and Percé groups of eastern Canada. Sedimentary Geology., 201: 75-92.

Eodiagenetic petrology (phreatic and pedogenic calcretes); geochemistry (stable isotopes); marginal marine sedimentology (carbonates, siliciclastics and evaporites); upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; continental clastic sedimentology; palynology; structural geology / tectonics

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Jutras, P., MacRae, A. and Utting, J., 2007. Viséan tectonostratigraphy and basin architecture beneath the Pennsylvanian New Brunswick Platform of eastern Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 55: 217-236.

Geophysics (seismic reflection, Bouguer gravity, aeromagnetics); upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; structural geology / tectonics; continental clastic sedimentology; palynology; eodiagenetic petrology (phreatic and pedogenic calcretes)

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Jutras, P., Ryan, R.J. and Fitzgerald R., 2006. Gradual encroachment of a rocky shoreline by an invasive sea during the Mississippian at the southeastern margin of the Maritimes Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 43: 1183-1204.

Marginal marine sedimentology (carbonates, siliciclastics and evaporites); upper Paleozoic stratigraphy

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Jutras, P., MacRae, A., Owen, J.V., Dostal, J., Préda, M. and Prichonnet, G., 2006. Evidence for carbonate melting and peperite formation at the intrusive contact between large mafic dykes and clastic sediments of the upper Palaeozoic Saint-Jules Formation, New-Carlisle, Quebec. Geological Journal, 41: 23-48.

Igneous petrology (peperite, carbonatite, mafic dykes, dacite); geochemistry (stable isotopes; REE; discrimination diagrams); eodiagenetic petrology (pedogenic calcretes)

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Dostal, J., Keppie, J.D., Jutras, P., Miller, B.V. and Murphy, J.B., 2006. Evidence of the granulite-granite connection: Penecontemporaneous high-grade metamorphism, granitic magmatism and core complex development in the Liscomb Complex, Nova Scotia, Canada. Lithos, 86: 77-90.

Igneous petrology (granite); metamorphic petrology (granulite); geochronology (207Pb/235U); geochemistry (REE, 87Sr/86Sr signatures; discrimination diagrams); structural geology / tectonics

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Jutras, P., Utting, J., and McCutcheon, S., 2005. Basin inversion at the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary in northern New Brunswick. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 53: 390-404.

Continental clastic sedimentology; structural geology / tectonics; upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; palynology; eodiagenetic petrology (pedogenic calcretes)

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Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 2005. Record of Late Mississippian tectonics in the new Percé Group (Viséan) of eastern Gaspésie, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42: 815-832.

Continental clastic sedimentology; structural geology / tectonics; upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; seismic stratigraphy; eodiagenetic petrology (pedogenic calcretes)

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Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 2004. Significance of paleosurfaces in interpreting the paleogeographic and stratigraphic evolution of the upper Paleozoic Paspébiac Graben, a recently identified basin in the southern Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 116: 1074-1086.

Continental clastic sedimentology; structural geomorphology (exhumed paleosurfaces); structural geology / tectonics; upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; eodiagenetic petrology (pedogenic calcretes)

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Jutras, P., Prichonnet G. and McCutcheon, S., 2003. Alleghanian faulting in the southern Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec. Atlantic Geology, 39: 201-211.

Structural geology / tectonics

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Jutras, P., Prichonnet G. and McCutcheon, S., 2003. Alleghanian deformation in the eastern Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115: 1538-1551.

Structural geology / tectonics; continental clastic sedimentology

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Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 2002. Stratigraphy, depositional setting and diagenetic history of the Saint-Jules Formation (Upper Devonian or Mississippian), a newly identified post-Acadian red clastic unit in the southern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39: 1541-1551.

Continental clastic sedimentology; upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; eodiagenetic petrology (phreatic calcretes); paleokarst; structural geomorphology (exhumed paleosurfaces); structural geology / tectonics

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Jutras, P., Prichonnet, G. and Utting, J., 2001. Newly identified Carboniferous units (The Pointe Sawyer and Chemin-des-Pêcheurs formations) in the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec; Implications regarding the evolution of the northwestern sector of the Maritimes Basin. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38: 1-19.

Upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; Continental clastic sedimentology; palynology; eodiagenetic petrology (phreatic and pedogenic calcretes); structural geology / tectonics

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Jutras, P., Prichonnet, G. and von Bitter, P., 1999. The La Coulée Formation, a new post-Acadian continental clastic unit bearing groundwater calcretes, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. Atlantic Geology, 35: 139-156.

Eodiagenetic petrology (phreatic and pedogenic calcretes); Continental clastic sedimentology; Upper Paleozoic stratigraphy; structural geology / tectonics; biostratigraphy (conodonts)

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Jutras, P. and Schroeder, J., 1999. Geomorphology of an exhumed Carboniferous paleosurface in the southern Gaspé Peninsula; Paleoenvironmental and tectonic implications. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, 53: 249-263.

Structural geomorphology (exhumed paleosurfaces, long-term landscape evolution); paleokarst; structural geology / tectonics

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Non-refereed Publications:

Corney, R. and Jutras, P., 2011. The Geological History of the Cobequids. Trail panel poster for the Cobequid Eco-Trails Society of Nova Scotia.

Jutras P., 2010. Carbon dioxide, public enemy no1? On Line Opinion, Australia's e-journal of social and political debate, 02/11/10.

Link: http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=10035

Jutras P., 2010. Why it may be crucial to stop looking at carbon dioxide as public enemy #1. Benny Peiser's CCNet , 02/02/10.

Jutras P., 2006. Carbon dioxide isn't the villain it's made out to be. The Globe and Mail, National Update, Web-exclusive comment, Posted on 07/12/06.

Link: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/carbon-dioxide-isnt-the-villain-its-made-out-to-be/article859711/

Free-link: http://geog.utm.utoronto.ca/desrochers/pjutras.htm

Owen, V. and Jutras, P., 2003. Martinique Beach - Popes Harbour Field Trip: Paleozoic rocks on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia and their relationship with basement rocks and Quaternary overburden. Atlantic Universities Geology Conference, 2003, Saint Mary's University, Nova Scotia .

Jutras, P., 1998. Forage Notre-Dame de Lourdes #1; analyse stratigraphique. Archives of the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources.

Media Articles about researcher's activities:

In The Ottawa Citizen, January 29, 2011, by Randy Boswell of Postmedia News: Canadians uncover new details of rock formation that revolutionized science.

Link: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/technology/Canadians+uncover+details+rock+formation+that+revolutionized+science/4191020/story.html

In Western News, February 10, 2011, by Mitch Zimmer: Professors reorient researchers, history with discovery.

Link: http://communications.uwo.ca/com/western_news/stories/professors_reorient_researchers,_history_with_discovery_20110210447398/

In SMU News Releases, March 7, 2011: Reinterpreting the Work of the Grandfather of Geology; Dr. Jutras takes second look at historic geological site.

Link: http://www.smu.ca/newsreleases/2011/03-07-11-jutras.html

Seminars and Abstracts:

Jutras, P, 2014. Sedimentation in broad crustal flexures in response to the slowdown of an ongoing NW-shortening trend during the Holkerian and the early Asbian (mid-Viséan) in Atlantic Canada. Geological Association of Canada/Mineral Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Fredericton 2014, Session SS13:  Sedimentary Signatures of Tectonic Events.

Jutras, P, 2012. The role of plate tectonics in first order climate cycles such as the late Paleozoic icehouse and the Mesozoic greenhouse Presentation status. 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, Symposium 3.6: Greenhouse world and rapid climate change during the Mesozoic [International Geoscience Program (IGCP) 555, IGCP 507 and International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) Songliao Project].

Jutras, P, 2012. The role of plate tectonics in first order climate cycles such as the late Paleozoic icehouse and the Mesozoic greenhouse Presentation status. 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, Symposium 3.7: Pre-Mesozoic climates and global change [IGCP 591].

Jutras, P, 2011. Hutton’s Unconformity on Arran, southwest Scotland: a double unconformity masked by a phreatic calcrete hardpan developed at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. XVII International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, 2011, Perth, Australia. Symposium 10: Carboniferous-Permian basin studies.

Jutras, P., 2010. Thick and massive phreatic calcrete hardpans in the geological record as indicators of the former presence of long-lasting evaporitic basins. 18th International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, September 26 to October 1, 2010, Session TS2-7: Evaporites.

Jutras, P . , 2009. The Viséan to Namurian interval in the Maritimes Basin. Atlantic Geoscience Society, 35th Colloquium and Annual Meeting, February 2009, Moncton, New Brunswick, Workshop Session: Rationalization of the Mississippian stratigraphy of the Maritimes Basin through inter-regional correlations and nomenclatural debate.

Jutras. P., Quillan, R.S. and Leforte, M.J., 2008. Evidence for strongly alkaline weathering conditions in inter-basaltic Ordovician paleosols despite evidence for a tropical humid paleoclimate; implications for early land plant evolution. 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, Session SES-03: Intra-basaltic sediments and weathering horizons as monitors of climate change.

Jutras, P., 2008. Petroleum prospects in the Late Devonian to Mississippian basins of New Brunswick. Geological Association of Canada/Mineral Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, May 2008, Québec, QC, Session: SY9, Pierre-André Bourque Symposium, The Paleozoic of eastern Canada, from fundamental understanding to resource potential.

Jutras. P., 2007. Alarmist global warming models vs the geological record. International Conference on Climate Change, 2007, Hong Kong, paper 106. 

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Jutras. P., 2007. What geological history tells us about global warming. Atlantic Geoscience Society, 33rd Colloquium and Annual Meeting, February 2007, Moncton, New Brunswick, Special Session: Late and Post-Glacial Climate Change Events in Eastern Canada.

Jutras. P., 2006. Carboniferous plays in the eastern Gaspé and Chaleur Bay areas: a synopsis. Atlantic Geoscience Society, 32nd Colloquium and Annual Meeting, February 2006, Saint John, New Brunswick, Special Session: Structure and Sedimentology of Hydrocarbon-Prospective Basins.

Jutras, P. 2006. The tumultuous climatic evolution of Atlantic Canada. Guest Lecturer at the Museum of Natural History (The Last Billion Years Series), Halifax, NS.

Jutras, P. 2006. The tumultuous climatic evolution of Atlantic Canada. Guest Lecturer at the Meeting of the Nova Scotia Prospectors Association at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.

Jutras. P., 2005. Fault-controlled sedimentation and deformation of the composite Maritimes Basin during the upper Paleozoic Hercynian-Alleghanian tectonic phase in Atlantic Canada; a complex history of strain response to plate readjustments. International Conference of The Geological Society: Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining and Releasing Bends in Continental and Oceanic Settings, September 2005, Burlington House, London, UK.

Jutras, P., Owen, J.V. and Quillan, R.S., 2005. Evolution of groundwater pH trends through geological time according to the mineralogical and geochemical composition of paleosols and other sedimentary rocks. Geological Society of America international meeting: Earth System Processes II, August 2005, Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Special Session T19. Causal Connections amongst Chemical/Physical Weathering, Geomorphology, and Biologic Processes II, paper 51-2.

Jutras, P., 2005. Tectonic environment of the marine Windsor Group (Viséan) according to the sedimentology and structural geology of time-equivalent continental clastic units of the Percé Group. Geological Association of Canada/Mineral Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, May 2005, Halifax, NS, Session: SS21 - Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of upper Paleozoic successor basins in the Appalachian/Caledonian structural belt: Recent Advances.

Jutras, P., Owen, J.V. and Quillan, R.S., 2005. Climatic signature of some Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian paleosols in the Avalon Terrane of northern Nova Scotia; implications for paleogeographic reconstructions. Atlantic Geoscience Society, 31st Colloquium and Annual Meeting, February 2005, Saint John, New Brunswick, General Session.

Jutras, P., 2004. Synopsis of post-Acadian deformation in the circum-Chaleur Bay area of eastern Quebec and northern New Brunswick. Canadian Tectonic Group Meeting, October 2004, Saint John, New Brunswick, Abstract Volume 24.

Johnson, S.C. and Jutras, P., 2004. A non-marine origin for massive carbonate horizons along the southern margin of the New Brunswick Platform: a follow-up study using carbon and oxygen isotopes. In Abstracts, October 2004: Exploration and Mining New Brunswick. Edited by S. A. Merlini. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Policy and Planning Division, Information Circular 2004-1.

Jutras, P., 2004. Basement onlap by the Ordovician Trenton Group in the Quebec City area and by the Mississippian Windsor Group in the Halifax area; comparison between two contrasting transgressive marine successions. Geological Association of Canada/Mineral Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting 2004, Ste-Catharines, ON, Session: SS3 - Rocky shorelines in the geological record.

MacDonald, A., Piper, D.W., Jutras, P. and Mosher, D., 2004. 3D seismic interpretation of the Cenozoic stratigraphy, erosion systems and salt tectonics of the Weymouth area, Scotian Slope, offshore Nova Scotia. Geological Society of Canada-Atlantic, Open House Meeting, 2004.

Jutras, P., MacRae, A., Owen, V., Dostal, J, Préda, M. and Prichonnet, G., 2004. Mafic dykes and associated peperites in the Upper Devonian to lower Mississippian Saint-Jules Formation of southern Gaspésie, Québec. Atlantic Geoscience Society, 30th Colloquium and Annual Meeting, February 2004, Moncton, New Brunswick, General Session.

Jutras, P. 2003. The Viséan tectonostratigraphy of New Brunswick. Departmental Seminar in Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.

Jutras, P., 2003. Viséan (upper Mississippian) sedimentation and tectonics in the Ristigouche, Central and Marysville basins of New Brunswick. 1st Joint Meeting, Northeastern Section, GSA, and Atlantic Geoscience Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Session T9: Energy Resources of the Paleozoic II, paper 31-5.

Fitzgerald, R. and Jutras, P., 2003. Shoreline evolution in the Musquodoboit Basin of Central Nova Scotia during the first transgression of the Windsor Sea (late Mississippian). 1st Joint Meeting, Northeastern Section, GSA, and Atlantic Geoscience Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Session T9: Energy Resources of the Paleozoic II, paper 31-8.

Brisco, D. and Jutras, P. 2002. The birth and death of a Pennsylvanian meander, Stellarton, Nova Scotia. AUGC Conference, Fredericton, NB.

Jutras, P. , 2001. New tectonostratigraphic framework in the northwesternmost sector of the Maritimes Basin (Chaleur Bay area); correlation perspectives. 2001 Mining Matters Conference, Westin Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 2001. Bimodal Carboniferous magmatism and associated hydrothermal activity in the area of New-Carlisle, southern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. Geological Association of Canada/Mineral Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting 2001, St. John's Newfoundland, Abstract Volume 26, p.75.

Jutras, P., 2000. Applications of structural geomorphology for stratigraphic studies. Tenure-track candidate lecture, Geology Department, Norwich University, Northfield, VT.

Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 2000. Carboniferous geology of the Gaspé Peninsula: newly identified stratigraphic units and discontinuities, bi-modal magmatism and transpressive deformation. 2000 Research Workshop of the NATMAP Project (Geological Bridges in Eastern Canada): « The Appalachian Forelands and the St-Lawrence Platform ». Abstract Volume, p.9-10.

Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 2000. New tectonostratigraphic data on the Carboniferous of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec; implications regarding the petroleum potential of Chaleur Bay. GeoCanada 2000, Calgary, the Millennium Geoscience Summit. Abstract Number: 235.

Jutras, P., 1999. The Carboniferous tectonostratigraphy of the Chaleur Bay area. Tenure-track candidate lecture, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montréal, QC.

Jutras, P. and Prichonnet, G., 1998. Post-Acadian limestone formations in the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. Geological Association of Canada/Mineral Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting 1998, Québec City. Abstract Volume 23, p. A-88.

Jutras, P., 1998. Tectonostratigraphie du Carbonifère de la Gaspésie. Departmental Seminar in Geology at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC.

Jutras, P. and Schroeder, J., 1995. Croquis structural entre Saint-Elzéar et Port-Daniel, région de la baie des Chaleurs, Gaspésie. Association Québécoise pour le Quaternaire (AQQUA), Colloque annuel 1995, Programme et résumés, p. 15.

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