

Robert Ryan

Department of Geology
Part-time Instructor
Ph.D., Dalhousie University
Phone: (902) 420 5725
Office: S401
Email: Robert.Ryan1@smu.ca




Robert has forty years of experience in industry, federal and provincial governments, and university. For the past 36 years, he has taught both full-time and part-time at various universities in Nova Scotia. Experience includes exploration research on gold and silver, base metals, oil and gas, mapping and structure, precious metals, coal, thermal maturation studies, basin analysis, paleontology, industrial minerals and uranium and radiation. 

Significant Publications:

R.J. Ryan, P.S Giles and Poty. E. 2021 Megabiota Biozones of the Windsor Group in the Maritimes Basin and stratigraphic implications in Atlantic Canada, Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geosciences and Mines Branch Open File Report 2021-004, 167 p.

R.J. Ryan and P.S. Giles, 2017 Preliminary Report of the Revised Paleontology of the Windsor Group and its stratigraphic implications, Geoscience and Mines Branch Report of Activities, Department of Natural Resources Report 2017-001, p. 79-84.

R.J. Ryan, 2010 Mesothermal gold of the Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia, Canada: similarities to the Victoria and Reefton gold deposits of Australia and New Zealand, AusIMM Conference Proceedings 2010, p. 467-472.

R. J. Ryan, A. M. O’Beirne-Ryan D. S. Finlayson and A. Parsons, 2009, Mobility of Uranium and Radon Associated with Uranium Roll Front Occurrences in the Horton Group of the Windsor Area, Nova Scotia, Canada, International Association of Applied Geochemistry Proceedings, p. 469-472.

Ryan, R.J. 1996: Gold deposits of the Meguma Group, Nova Scotia, Canada; in Sedimentary-hosted Mesothermal gold deposits -A Global Overview; Mineral Industry Research Institute, University of Ballarat, Australia, Publication 1996-1, p. 30-31.

R. J. Ryan and A. M. O’Beirne-Ryan, 2009. Uranium occurrences in the Horton Group of the Windsor area, Nova Scotia and the environmental implications for the Maritimes Basin. Atlantic Geology v. 45, p. 171-190.

R.J. Ryan and A.M. O’Beirne-Ryan, 2007, Preliminary Report on the occurrence of Uranium in the Horton Group Strata in the Windsor area, Nova Scotia, NSDNR ME-Report 2007-1, p. 137-157.

Ryan, R. J. and Smith, P. K.; 1998 A Review of the mesothermal gold deposits of the Meguma Group, Nova Scotia, Canada, Special Volume of Ore Geology Reviews (Journal), R. Ramsay, D. Arne, and D. Groves eds., v. 13, p. 153 - 183

Ryan, R. J. and Ramsay, R. 1997, A comparison of the Mesothermal gold deposits of Central Victoria, Australia and the Meguma Group of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Review of Activities 1996, D. MacDonald Ed., NSDNR Report 97-1, 15-19.

Ryan, R. J. 1997: The geology of the Steve's Road gold-lead occurrence, North Beaverbank, Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Open File 97- 006 60 p.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C., McCutcheon, S. R. and Swinden, H. S.; 1995a: Carbonate-hosted base metal deposits; in Chapter 9, Regional Metallogeny, Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen in Canada and Greenland, Volume F-1, Geological Society of America's Geology of North America Series, Ed. H. Williams, Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 6, p. 783-787.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C., McCutcheon, S. R. and Swinden, H. S.; 1995b: Clastic-hosted deposits; in Chapter 9, Regional Metallogeny, Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen in Canada and Greenland, Volume F-1, Geological Society of America's Geology of North America Series, Ed. H. Williams, Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 6, p.787-791.

Christie, A. B., N. G. Corner, F. P. Bierlein, P. K. Smith, R. J. Ryan, and D. C. Arne; 2000, Disseminated gold at the Reefton, South Island, compared with similar occurrences in Victoria, Australia and Nova Scotia, Canada; Proceedings of the New Zealand Minerals and Mining Conference 2000,.

Christie, A. B., P.K. Smith, R.J. Ryan, W. R. H. Ramsay, D. C. Arne, and F. P. Bierlein; 1999: Quartz Vein Styles in Turbidite-hosted Mesothermal Gold Deposits of Western South Island (New Zealand), Victoria (Australia) and Nova Scotia (Canada); Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Proceedings, 1999, p. 85-108.

Christie, A.B., Bierlein, F., Arne, D. C., Ramsay, W.R.H., Ryan R. J., and Smith P. K.; 2000, Comparison of lode gold deposits of the Buller Terrane, Western South Island to similar deposits in Victoria, Australia and Nova Scotia, Canada; New Zealand Mining, v. 26. p109-132.

Kontak, D.J. and Ryan, R. J.; 2001: Geological Setting and Fluid Inclusions Study of Celestite Mineralization, Beckwith, Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Report of Activities 2000, p. 49-60.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C., Stea, R. R. and Rogers, P. J.; 1989: Geology, geochemistry, and exploration applications for Permo-Carboniferous redbed copper deposits of the Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia; In Sediment Hosted Stratiform Copper Deposits, eds. Boyle, Jefferson, Jowett, and Kirkham, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper No. 36, p. 245-256.

R. J. Ryan, A.M. O’Beirne-Ryan and M. Zentilli, 2005: Rounded cobbles that have not travelled far, incoporation of corestones from saprolites in the South Mountain area of southern Nova Scotia; Sedimentology , 52, p. 1109-1121.

R. J. Ryan, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, J. H. Calder, R. C. Boehner and M. Zentilli; 2008: Hydrocarbon Potential of the Early Carboniferous strata in the Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada, American Association of Petroleum Geology, (submitted).

Mukhopadhyay, P. K., Harvey, P, MacDonald, J, Boehner, R. C., Calder, J. and Ryan, 2000: Petroleum system of the Carboniferous rocks onshore Nova Scotia: implication of future prospects in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Offshore Sydney Basin, Journal of Organic Petrography, V. 48

Ryan R. J. and A.M. O’Beirne-Ryan; 2000: Physical Geology of Canada, A Canadian Supplement to Understanding Earth, W. H. Freeman Press, New York, N.Y, 145 p.

Ryan, R. J. and Zentilli, M.; 1993: Allocyclic and thermochronological constraints on the evolution of the Maritimes Basin, Atlantic Geology v. 29 p.187-197.

Grist, A., Ryan, R. J. and Zentilli, M.; 1995: Thermochronological constraints on the timing of Hydrocarbon generation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence part of the Maritimes Basin, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology,v. 43, No. 2, p. 145-155.

Mukhopadhyay, P. K. , D. J., MacDonald, P. Harvey, R. C. Boehner, J. C. Calder, R. J. Ryan; 2000: Petroleum System of the Carboniferous sediments of onshore Nova Scotia, International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 43, p. 137-139.

Ryan, R. J., Fox, D., Horne, R. J., Corey, M. C. and Smith P. K. 1996: Preliminary stratigraphy of the Meguma Group in Central Nova Scotia; in Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Review of Activities, ed. D. MacDonald, Report 96-4, p. 36-45.

Ryan, R. J.; 1995: Geological setting of Industrial Minerals in Maritime Provinces, Proceedings of the 30th Forum on the geology of Industrial Minerals, Forum 94, New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources Misc. Publication No. 16, p. 180-193.

Ryan, R. J. and Boehner, R. C.; 1995: Upper Paleozoic Overlap Assemblages: Geological Overview; in Chapter 9, Regional Metallogeny, Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen in Canada and Greenland, Volume F-1, Geological Society of America's Geology of North America Series, Ed. H. Williams, Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 6, p. 782-783.

Ryan, R. J. and Smith, P. K. 1993: The Steve's Road (Beaverbank) Gold-lead occurrence: in Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Review of Activities, Mines and Energy Branches, edited by D. MacDonald, Report 93-2, p. 29-32.

Ryan, R. J., Grist, A. M., and Zentilli, M; 1992: The Paleozoic Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: Metallogenetic Implications of a Fission Track Study; in MAC Shortcourse on Low Temperature Thermochronology v. 20, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Zentilli and Reynolds Eds., p.141-156.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C. and Calder, J. H.; 1991: Lithostratigraphic Revisions of the Upper Carboniferous to lower Permian strata in the Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia and the regional implications for the Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada; Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 39, p. 289-314.

Ryan, R. J.; 1992: The Canfield Creek Copper Deposit, In Mineral Deposits of Nova Scotia, Geological Association of Canada Guidebook C-7, M. Graves Ed., p. 67-75.

Ryan, R. J., Turner, R., Stea, R. R. and Rogers, P. J.; 1988: Heavy minerals and sediment dispersal trends as exploration tools for Tin and Gold paleoplacers in Carboniferous rocks, Nova Scotia; Prospecting in Areas of Glaciated Terranes 1988, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Special Publication, p. 41-56.

Ryan, R. J. and Boehner, R. C.; 1994: The geology of the Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Memoir 10, 222 p.

Ryan, R. J., Calder, J. H., Donohoe, H. V. Jr. and Naylor, R.; 1987: Late Paleozoic Sedimentation and basin development adjacent to the Cobequid Highlands Massif, Eastern Canada; In: Beaumont, C. and Tankard, A. (eds.) Sedimentary and Basin Forming Mechanisms, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 12, p. 311-317.

Calder, J.H., Rygel, M.C., Ryan, R.J., Falcon-Lang, H.J. and Hebert, B.L.; 2005: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Lower Carboniferous redbeds at Lower Cove, Nova Scotia Canada: The Little River Bridge Formation with redefinition of the Joggins Formation; Atlantic Geology Submitted.

Jutras, P., Ryan, R.J.and Fitzgerald R. 2006:Gradual encouchment of the Carboniferous Windsor Sea in the Musquodoboit Valley of Nova Scotia, in Paleoshorelines, Canadian Journal of Earth Science 43, p.1183-1204.

Other Publications:

Ryan, R. J. and Boehner, R. C.; 1990: Cumberland Basin Geology Map, Tatamagouche and Malagash, Cumberland, Colchester and Pictou Counties. Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Map 90-14, Scale 1.50 000.

Ryan, R. J; 1994: Preliminary investigations of the Meguma Group stratigraphy in the Beverbank Area, in Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report of Activities 1993, D. MacDonald Ed., Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Report 94-1, p. 27-32.

Ryan, R. J. and Boehner, R. C.; 1991: Metallic Mineral resources of Carboniferous Basins in Nova Scotia; In Nova Scotia's Carboniferous Basins- Opportunities for today and tomorrow, Proceedings of the 104th Annual Meeting of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia, p. 4-19

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C. and Deal. A.; 1990: Cumberland Basin Geology Map, Apple River and Cape Chignecto, Cumberland County. Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Map 90-11, Scale 1.50000.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C., Deal. A. and J. H. Calder.; 1990: Cumberland Basin Geology Map, Amherst, Springhill and Parrsboro, Cumberland County. Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Map 90-12, Scale 1.50 000.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C. and Deal. A.; 1990: Cumberland Basin Geology Map, Oxford and Pugwash, Cumberland County. Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Map 90-13, Scale 1.50 000.

Ryan, R. J., Grist, A., and Zentilli, M.; 1991: The thermal evolution of the Maritimes Basin: Evidence from apatite fission track analysis; In Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy, Report of Activities, D. MacDonald Ed., Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Report 91-1, p. 27-32.

Ryan, R. J.; 1986: Fossil Myriapod trails in the Permo-Carboniferous strata of northern Nova Scotia; Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology, v. 22, p.156-161.

Boehner, R.C., Giles, P. S., Murray, D. A. and Ryan, R. J.; 1989: Carbonate Buildups of the Gays River Formation, Lower Carboniferous, Windsor Group, Nova Scotia; Reefs of Canada and Adjacent Areas, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p. 609-621.

Boehner, R. C., Horne, R. J. and Ryan, R. J.; 1989: Carbonate bioherms in the Kennetcook and Herbert River Limestone Members, Upper part of the Windsor Group, Central Nova Scotia; Reefs of Canada and Adjacent Areas, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p.622-625.

Boehner, R. C., Calder, J., Carter, D., Ferguson, L., Pickerill, R. and Ryan, R. J.; 1986: Late Paleozoic - Early Mesozoic sedimentation and tectonics in northern Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick; Atlantic Geoscience Society, Special Publication No. 4,
125 p.

Ryan, R.J.; 1998: The Falls Brook Quarry near Three Mile Plains, Windsor Nova Scotia In: Classic Carboniferous sections of the Minas and Cumberland Basins in Nova Scotia (Eds. J. Calder, R.C.

Boehner, D.E. Brown, M. Gibling, P.K. Mukhopadhyay, R.J. Ryan and D. Skilleter) Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Open File Report ME 5, p. 16-24.

Gibling, M. R., Calder, J. H., Ryan, R. J., van de Poll, W. and Yeo, G.; 1991: Pennsylvanian and Permian paleoflow in Atlantic Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 28, p.1157-1169.

Naylor, R. D., Calder, J. H., Ryan, R. J. and Martel, T. A.; 1992: Controls on formation of upper Carboniferous coals in intermontane Stellarton and Cumberland Basins of Atlantic Canada; The Canadian Coal and Coalbed Methane Geoscience Forum Proceedings, p.365-397.

Stea, R. R., Day, T. and Ryan, R. J.; 1986: Till and bedrock geochemistry and its implications for mineral exploration in Northern Nova Scotia, Canada; Institute and Metallurgy, Prospecting in areas of Glaciated Terrane, 1986, p. 241-259.

Van de Poll, H. W. and Ryan, R. J.; 1985: Lithostratigraphic, Physical diagenetic and Economic Aspects of the Pennsylvanian to Permian transition sequence of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia; Geological Association of Canada, Guidebook Excursion 14, 109p.

Plint, A. G., Ryan, R. J. and Van de Poll, H. W.; 1983: The distribution, biota and stratigraphy of a Windsor Group Limestone (Mississippian) and associated sediments in the Quaco Head area of southern New Brunswick; Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology, v. 19, p. 107-115.

Moore, R. G. and Ryan, R. J.; 1976: Guide to the Invertebrate Fauna of the Windsor Group in Atlantic Canada; Nova Scotia Department of Mines, Paper 76-5, 57p.

Ryan, R. J. and Horne, R.; 1993: Progress Report on the Central Meguma Project; In Review of Activities Part A, Ed. D. MacDonald, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Report 93-3, p.

Ryan, R. J. and Smith, P. K.; 1993: The Pb-Au Occurrence at Steve's Road North Beaverbank, In Review of Activities Part A, Ed. D. MacDonald, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 93-3, p.29-30.

Ryan, R. J. , Calder, J. H., and Boehner, R. C.; 1988: Pennsylvanian Sediment Dispersal Trends in the Cumberland Basin of Northern Nova Scotia; Mineral Resources Division Report of Activities Part B, Ed. D. MacDonald, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Report 88-1, p. 165-169.

Ryan, R. J., Boehner, R. C., Stea, R. R. and Rogers, P. J.; 1986: Geology, geochemistry and exploration potential of sediment hosted stratiform Cu-Ag occurrences in Permo- Carboniferous strata, eastern part of the Cumberland Basin (Abstract); Canadian Mineralogist, v. 24, p. 203.

Ryan, R. J. and Boehner, R. C.; 1985: Cumberland Basin Geology; Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Information Series No. 9, p. 45-46.

Ryan, R. J.; 1986: Syndepositional evaporite diapirism and the effect on sedimentation in the Cumberland Basin of Nova Scotia; (abstract) Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology, v.22, p. 205.

Ryan, R. J.; 1985: Upper Carboniferous strata of the Tatamagouche Syncline area, Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, Paper 85-1B, p. 481-490.

Ryan, R. J.; 1984: Upper Carboniferous strata of the east half of the Tatamagouche Syncline, Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia; Current Research part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-1A, p. 473-476.

Ryan, R. J.; 1978: A preliminary report on the paleontology of the Gays River Formation of Nova Scotia; Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 1977, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Report 78-1, p. 81-83

Boehner, R. C., Ryan, R. J. and Carter, D. C.; 1987: Cumberland Basin Project; Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 1987 Part A, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Report 87-5, p. 137-140.

Boehner, R. C., Ryan, R. J. and Carter, D. C.; 1987: Cumberland Basin: An Update; Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 1986, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Report 87-1, p. 123-128.

Boehner, R. C., Ryan, R. J. and Carter, D. C.; 1986: Report on the Cumberland Basin Studies; Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 1985, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Report 86- 1, p. 69-72.

Boehner, R. C., Ryan, R. J. and Carter, D. C.; 1986: Progress report on the Cumberland Basin Project, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Information Series No. 10, p. 107-111.

Boehner, R. C., Ryan, R. J. and Carter, D. C.; 1985: Cumberland Basin Progress Report; Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy, Information Series No. 9, p. 41-43.

Giles, P. S., Boehner, R. C. and Ryan, R. J.; 1979: Carbonate Banks of the Gays River Formation in Central Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy Paper 79-7.

Giles, P. S. and Ryan, R. J.; 1976: A Preliminary report on the stratigraphy of the Windsor Group in the
Minas Sub-basin, Central Nova Scotia; Nova Scotia Department of Mines Report 76-2, p.100-105.

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