
Dr. Todd Ventura

Todd Ventura

Department of Geology
Associate Professor
Ph.D., (2006) University of Illinois
Phone: (902) 420 5138
Office: S423
Email: todd.ventura@smu.ca

Research Website


Tier II Canada Research Chair in Petroleum Systems

Geochemistry and Reservoir Characterization

Teaching Courses: 

  • GEOL 1206: Global Change
  • GEOL 2325: Sedimentology
  • GEOL 3826: Geostatistics (Special Topic in Geology)
  • GEOL 4650: Research Methods in Geology

Scholarly Contributions:

Journal Articles

Ventura G., Gall L., Seibert C., Prytulak J., Belshaw N., Szatmari P., Hürlimann M., Halliday A.. "The isotopic composition of vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum in various crude oils using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS)", Applied Geochemistry 59 (Winter - 2014), 104 - 117

Hollis C., Tayler M., Andrew B., Taylor K., Lurcock P., Bijl P., Kulhanek D., Crouch E., Nelson C., Pancost R., Huber M., Wilson G., Ventura G., Crampton J., Schiøler P., Phillips A.. "Organic-rich sedimentation in the South Pacific Ocean associated with Late Paleocene climatic cooling", Earth-Science Reviews 134 (Winter - 2014), 81 - 37

Ventura G., Simoneit B., Nelson R., Reddy C.. "The composition, origin and fate of complex mixtures in the maltene fractions of hydrothermal petroleum assessed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography", Organic Geochemistry 45 (Winter - 2012), 48 - 65

Reddy C., Camilli R., Seewald J., Sylva S., Lemkau K., Nelson R., Carmichael C., McIntrye C., Fenwick J., Ventura G., Mooy B., Arey J.. "Composition and fate of gas and oil released to the water column during the Deepwater Horizon oil-spill", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Winter - 2011)

Ventura G., Hall G., Nelson R., Frysinger G., Gaines R., Reddy C.. "Multi-Molecular Oil Fingerprinting using Multiway Principle Components Analysis (MPCA and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC×GC)", Journal of Chromatography A. 1218 (18) (Winter - 2011), 2584 - 2592

Lemkau K., Peacock E., Nelson R., Ventura G., Kovecses J., Reddy C.. "The M/V Cosco Busan spill: Source Identification and Short-Term Fate", Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (11) (Winter - 2010), 2123 - 2129

Pomerantz A., Ventura G., McKenna A., Cañas J., Nelson R., Reddy C., Rodgers R., Marshall A., Peters K., Mullins O.. "The Geochemical Origin of a Viscosity Gradient in a Petroleum Reservoir", Organic Geochemistry 41 (Winter - 2010), 812 - 821

Ventura G., Raghuraman B., Nelson R., Lambertus G., Mullins O., Reddy C.. "Chemical Compound Class Oil Fingerprinting Techniques using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC×GC)", Organic Geochemistry 41 (Winter - 2010), 1026 - 1035

Schubotz F., Ventura G., Nelson R., Wegener G., Knittel K., Wilhelm T., Zabel M., Kasten S., Boetius A., Reddy C., Hinrichs K.. "Structure and function of a cold seep nurtured by seepage of heavy oil", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13) (Winter - 2009), A1186 - A1186

Betancourt S., Ventura Gregory, Pomerantz D., Viloria O., Dubost F., Purcell J., Nelson R., Rodgers R., Reddy C., Marshall A., Mullins O.. "Nano-aggregates of Asphaltenes in a Reservoir Crude Oil", Energy and Fuels 23 (Winter - 2008), 1178 -1188

Wardlaw G., Reddy C., Nelson R., Arey J., Ventura G., Valentine D.. "Biodegradation in the subsurface as a selective filter for natural petroleum emissions", Environmental Science and Technology 42 (Winter - 2008), 7166 - 7173

Ventura G., Kenig F., Reddy C., Nelson R., Frysinger G., Van Mooy B., Gaines R.. "The composition and formation of unresolved complex mixtures in Late Archean sediments analyzed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC)", Organic Geochemistry 39 (7) (Winter - 2008), 846 - 867

Mullins O., Ventura G., Nelson R., Betancourt S., Raghuraman B., Reddy C.. "Visible-near-infrared spectroscopy by downhole fluid analysis coupled with two dimensional gas chromatography to address oil reservoir complexity", Energy and Fuels 22 (Winter - 2008), 496 - 503

Kenig F., Reddy C., Nelson R., Schieber S., Ventura Gregory, Frysinger G., Gaines R.. "Molecular evidence of Late Archean archaea and the presence of a subsurface hydrothermal biosphere", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (36) (Winter - 2007), 14261 - 14266

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Simons D., Crich D., Cowen J., Rehbein - Khalily T.. "Structure and distribution of branched aliphatic alkanes with quaternary carbon atoms in Cenomanian and Turonian black shales of Pasquia Hills (Saskatchewan, Canada)", Organic Geochemistry 36 (1) (Winter - 2004), 117 - 138

Kenig F., Simons D., Crich D., Cowen J., Ventura G., Brown T., Rehbein - Khalily T., Anderson K.. "Branched aliphatic alkanes with quaternary substituted carbon atoms in modern and ancient geologic samples", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (22) (Winter - 2003), 12554 - 12558

Kenig F., Simons D., Crich D., Cowen J., Ventura G., Brown T., Rehbein T.. "Alkanes with a quaternary carbon center: a 2,200 Myr. Record of sulfide oxidizing bacteria", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (15A) (Winter - 2002), 393

Conference Proceedings

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Reddy C., Nelson R., Schieber S., Frysinger G., Gaines R.. "Molecular Evidence of Late Archean Archaea and an Ancient Deep Biosphere", AGU Conference (2006 - None)

Field B., Hines B., Clowes C., Rechden R., Ventura G., Hollis C., Sykes R.. "Milankovitch cyclicity – Markers for stratigraphic correlation and prediction of petroleum generative potential in the Waipawa Formation, East Coast Basin. New Zealand Advantage Conference", New Zealand Advantage Conference (2016 - 2016)

Duncan B., McKay R., Bendle J., Naish T., Ventura G., Levy R., Moossen H., Krishna S., Pagani M.. "Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Antarctic climate reconstructions using molecular and isotopic biomarker proxies", AGU Conference (2015 - 2015)

Ventura G., McKay R., Duncan B., Stucker V., Vandergoes M., Baisden W., Phillips A., Sim M.. "The new organic geochemistry laboratory of GNS Science and Victoria University of Wellington, NZ ", NZ Geosciences Conference (2015 - 2015)

Hines B., Galley M., Collins K., Crampton J., Ventura G., Bland K., Seward D.. "Crossing the strait: Reconciling Palaeocene stratigraphic linkages between Wairarapa and Marlborough", NZ Geosciences Conference (2015 - 2015)

Ventura G., Hines B., Field B., Bland K., Strogen D., Clowes C., Sykes R.. "Paleoenvironmental and diagenetic controls on the petroleum generation characteristics of the Late Paleocene Waipawa formation of the East Coast Basin, New Zealand", NZ Geosciences Conference (2015 - 2015)

Duncan B., McKay R., Bendle J., Naish T., Ventura G., Levy R., Moossen H., Krishna S., Pagani M.. "Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Antarctic climate reconstructions using molecular and isotopic biomarker proxies", NZ Geosciences Conference (2015 - 2015)

Stagpoole V., Browne G., Mortimer N., Sutherland R., Lawrence M., Clowes C., Morgans H., Ventura G., Hollis C.. "The Petroleum Prospectivity of Reinga Basin, NW New Zealand", New Zealand Advantage Conference (2015 - 2015)

Hines B., Ventura G., Gazley M., Bland K., Crampton J., Collins K.. "Chemostratigraphic Framework for Changing Depositional Conditions of Prospective Late Cretaceous – Paleogene Marine Source Rocks of the East Coast Basin, New Zealand", A.A.P.G (2015 - 2015)

Ventura Gregory, Baisden T., Phillips A., Field B., Hollis C., Sykes R.. "Evidence for the selective preservation of organic matter by sulphurisation within the Late Paleocene Waipawa Formation of the East Coast Basin, New Zealand", Advantage NZ: Geotechnical Petroleum Forum (2014 - 2014)

Hollis C., Crouch E., Kulhanek D., Ventura Gregory, Tayler M.. "How regional transgression and short-lived climatic cooling created the Late Paleocene Waipawa Formation: implications for petroleum exploration throughout the SW Pacific", Advantage NZ: Geotechnical Petroleum Forum (2014 - 2014)

Ventura Gregory, Field B., Skyes R.. "High-resolution bulk pyrolysis of Mid Cretaceous to Eocene rocks in the Rere-1 well, East Coast Basin: Evaluation of source rock potential and maturity", New Zealand Geosciences Conference. Christchurch (2013 - 2013)

Ventura Gregory, Field B., Gehlen M., Hollis C., Schiøler P., Sykes R., Tayler M.. "Marine source rocks of the East Coast region", NZ Petroleum Conference (2013 - 2013)

Ventura Gregory, Hall C., Nelson R., Frysinger G., Raghuraman B., Mullins O., Reddy C.. "The determination of petroleum compositional similarity using multiway principal components analysis (MPCA) of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographic data: AAPG 2012 ", International Conference & Exhibition (2012 - 2012)

Ventura Gregory, Simoneit B., Nelson R., Reddy C.. "Resolving the Unresolved Complex Mixture of Hydrothermal Petroleum using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry", 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2009 - 2009)

Schubotz F., Nelson R., Ventura Gregory, Reddy C., Henrichs K.. "Deciphering mechanistic details of asphalt degradation and weathering at the ocean floor by GC×GC", 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2009 - 2009)

Ventura Gregory, Hall G., Nelson R., Frysinger G., Gaines R., Reddy C.. "Multi-Molecular Oil Fingerprinting using Multiway Principle Components Analysis (MPCA and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC×GC", 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2009 - 2009)

Ventura Gregory, Simoneit B., Nelson R., Reddy C.. "Resolving the Unresolved Complex Mixture of Hydrothermal Petroleum using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry", Gordon Research Conference (2008 - 2008)

Nelson R., Summons R., Hürlimann M., Ventura Gregory, Reddy C.. "Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatographic Analysis (GC×GC) of Bicadinanes in Crude Oil - A Comparison of Oils from the Ardjuna Basin, Northwest Java; The Seria Oil Field, Brunei; and Two Oils from South Texas, USA", Gordon Research Conference (2008 - 2008)

Schubotz F., Nelson R., Ventura Gregory, Reddy C., Henrichs K.. "Comparative Analysis of Asphaltene-Rich Oils from the Campeche Knolls, Deciphered by Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography", Gordon Research Conference (2008 - 2008)

Reddy C., Nelson R., Ventura Gregory, Arey J., Wardlaw G., Valentine D.. "Disentangling oil weathering at a marine seep using GC×GC: applications from environmental forensics", Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American Annual Meeting (2008 - 2008)

Lemkau K., Peacock E., Nelson R., Ventura Gregory, Kovecses J., Kovecses C.. "An initial look at a No. 6 fuel oil spill: M/V Cosco Busan", American Geophysical Union Meeting (2008 - 2008)

Ventura Gregory, Simoneit B., Nelson R., Reddy C.. "Resolving the unresolved complex mixture of hydrothermal petroleum using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography – time of flight mass spectrometry", ALSO (2008 - 2008)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Reddy C., Nelson R., Schieber S., Frysinger G., Gaines R.. "Molecular Evidence of Late Archean Archaea and an Ancient Deep Biosphere", Geological Society of America (2007 - 2007)

Valentine D., Reddy C., Ventura Gregory, Nelson R.. "Discovery and Description of Extinct Asphalt Volcanoes along the Southern California Margin", AGU Conference (2007 - 2007)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Reddy C., Nelson R., Schieber S., Frysinger G., Gaines R.. "Late Archean Archaea", Astrobiology Science Conference (2006 - 2006)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Grosjean E., Summons R.. "Biomarker Analysis of Solvent Extractable Organic Matter from the Late Neoproterozoic Kwagunt Formation, Chuar Group (~800-742 Ma), Grand Canyon", 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2005 - 2005)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Schieber J., Reddy C., Nelson R., Frysinger G., Gaines R., Summons R.. "Biomarker Record From the upper Tisdale (2707 – 2705 Ma) and Porcupine Assemblage (2685 – 2673 Ma) of the late Archaean Abitibi Subprovidence, Timmins, Ontario, Canada", 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2005 - 2005)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Schieber J., Reddy C., Nelson R., Frysinger G., Gaines R., Summons R.. "Molecular evidence for archaea during the late Archean", NASA Exobiology PI Meeting, Aims (2005 - 2005)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F.. "Biomarker Record from the Tisdale Group (2707 – 2705 Ma) and Porcupine Group (2685 – 2673 Ma) of the Abitibi Subprovidence, Timmins, Ontario, Canada", Gordon Research Conference (2004 - 2004)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F., Grosjean E., Summons R.. "Biomarker Analysis of Solvent Extractable Organic Matter from the Late Neoproterozoic Kwagunt Formation, Chuar Group (~800-742 Ma), Grand Canyon", Geologic Society of America (2004 - 2004)

Ventura Gregory, Kenig F.. "Biomarker Record from the Tisdale Group (2707 – 2705 Ma) and Porcupine Group (2685 – 2673 Ma) of the Abitibi Subprovidence, Timmins, Ontario, Canada", AGU Conference (2004 - 2004)

Kenig F., Ventura Gregory, Simons D., Crich D., Cowen J., Brown T., Anderson K.. "Branched aliphatic alkanes with quaternary substituted carbon atoms in modern and very ancient geologic samples", NASA Exobiology PI Meeting (2003 - 2003)

Kenig F., Simons D., Crich D., Cowen J., Ventura Gregory, Brown T., Rehbein - Khalili T.. "Structure, distribution, origin and significance of branched-alkanes with quaternary carbon atoms in the geological record", 21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (2003 - 2003)

Non-Academic Work Experience:

2011 - 2016, Petroleum Geochemist, Senior Scientist I, GNS Science Ltd.

1998 - 1999, Jr. Geophysics, Schlumberger & Geco-Prakla.

1997 - 1997, Assistant Field Geologist , Exmin Co.

Contact us
Department of Geology
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University 923 Robie Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3C3

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