Robert Dawson

Dr. Robert Dawson


BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics: Dalhousie/ University of King's College, 1982
Part III of the Mathematics Tripos (renamed "Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics" in 2011) Cambridge, 1983
PhD in Mathematics: Cambridge, 1986


I teach (or have taught; in approximately decreasing order of relevance to the present day) differential equations, introductory calculus, geometry, complex analysis, real analysis, intermediate, and advanced calculus, precalculus, discrete mathematics, introductory probability, and introductory statistics.


My main research areas are convex and combinatorial geometry and category theory, I have also written research papers in statistics, computer science, elementary number theory, homology theory, topology, and the history of math textbooks. Details are available at

Profile description:

I am an editor for the CMS Notes and CRUX Mathematicorum.. I have been for some time the SMU representative on the APICS (now Science Atlantic) Mathematics and Statistics Committee, and have been chair of that committee for about six years.. Over the last few years I have worked with the NS Government on math curriculum issues.

Outside interests include fencing, cycling, music (I play the recorder and the EWI, a breath-controlled synthesizer), carpentry, and creative writing. I have (as of late 2011) had fiction published in LabLit and the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, and verse in LabLit, the Mathematical Intelligencer, and (to appear) The Sword. I am an assistant leader with the 36th Halifax Scout Troop.


Contact us
Mathematics & Computing Science Department
1st Floor, McNally North
Main Office: MN 114