Join us for an interactive day where you will learn all about Saint Mary’s University. Our Open House will allow you to explore our programs and give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be a student at Saint Mary’s.
During the Open House, we suggest you attend as many sessions as you can, but you’re free to move between sessions freely based on your specific interests. Be sure to have all your application information ready as you will receive a code throughout the event which will allow you to apply for free.
Here is the event schedule:
Registration and Check-in
McNally Building Lobby
Services Expo & Refreshments
McNally Theatre Auditorium
Explore SMU - Faculty and Student Success Sessions
Various locations
Academic Expo & Refreshments
Loyola Conference Hall & Anne J. & Albert T. Isaac’s Commons, Loyola Building
Science Tours
Departing from Academic Expo in Loyola Conference Hall
12:30 - Burke Gaffney Observatory
12:30 - Chemistry
1:00 - Environmental Science Atmospheric Lab
1:15 - Burke Gaffney Observatory
1:15 - Chemistry
1:30 - Geology
Campus & Residence Tours
Departing from McNally Main Lobby
Additional activities:
11:40 - 3:00 Application Lab - Loyola L278
Campus Book Store and Tim Hortons are open all day!
Please contact for any questions about our Open House.
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