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Saint Mary's Electron Microscopy Centre (EMC) is located in Science Building, Suite 012 (basement), Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  The EMC is open to all faculty, staff and pre-authorized external clients.  The EMC is administered by the Faculty of Sciences.  The EMC technician provides the skill and knowledge necessary to assist researchers.  The EMC user committee comprises of faculty representatives from Biology, Chemistry and Geology departments.

The EMC is equipped to perform scanning electron microscopy of most geological, chemical and biological materials. Equipments available for routine specimen preparation include carbon coater and the sputter coater.  Equipments available for advanced techniques in specimen preparation and analysis, such as elemental analysis using Liquid Nitrogen free 80mm2 SDD INCA energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDS) and cathodoluminescence imaging system (Mini CL) of small specimens. Professional assistance is available for consultation, service needs, customization of techniques,and training.

Users who are experienced with electron microscope instrumentation and/or have taken EMC training are encouraged to analyze their own specimens and interpret the results.  Alternatively, operation of the microscopes and sample preparation and can be performed by EMC staff at an addition fee for service to the researcher/user.  Persons interested in using the EMC facilities may contact EMC staff or supervisor to make an appointment to discuss research plans, procedures and fees.

If you are first time user, please refer to New Users page for detailed information.

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