Executive Committee

Senate Executive Committee

  • The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for Senate when necessary, including the summer months when meetings of Senate as a whole are suspended and/or when quorum for special meetings of Senate cannot be achieved with 48 hours notice.
  • The Executive Committee may act on matters delegated to it by Senate not specified herein, including matters with respect to which Senate may from time to time deem it expedient to delegate its authority to the Committee.
  • Any decisions made by the Committee as per the bullet point immediately above shall be reported to Senate at its next scheduled meeting. Urgent action taken by the Committee shall be communicated to members of Senate prior to its next scheduled meeting.
  • Pursuant to Policy 8-1008, Senate Policy on the Academic Impact of Disruptions of University Business, section 3 Procedures, the Executive Committee shall carry out the responsibilities as outlined therein.
  • The Committee shall consider and approve special cases for graduation brought forward by the Registrar.
  • The Committee shall proposed dates for regular Senate meetings for each academic year.
  • The committee shall serve as the Nomination Committee to Senate for all committees of Senate.
  • The committee shall from time to time review the composition, terms of reference, pro­cedures, vitality and effectiveness of each committee of Senate, and shall make recommen­dations regarding the discontinuance or modi­fication of any of its committees, or the establishment of new committees.
  • In the event that an elected member of the committee shall be absent from a scheduled meeting, the committee shall be empowered to replace the absent member on a temporary basis with another member chosen by it from the elected members of Senate according to the composition described in the final bullet point below.
  • The committee shall hear appeals from students on academic matters other than those against grades, and shall follow the pro­cedures set forth in the Calendar. The com­mittee’s decisions on such appeals shall be final.
  • When in-person meetings cannot be held due to exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Chairperson (or, in their absence, the Vice-Chairperson who shall chair), regular meetings of the Senate Executive may be conducted remotely. A member participating in a meeting by remote means is deemed for all purposes to be present at that meeting. If a member is not able to participate in a meeting, that member can speak to the Chairperson in advance of the meeting so that the Chairperson can share that member’s perspective at the meeting. This member may also submit written comments or documentation to the Chairperson and the Senate Secretary in advance of the meeting.
  • Decision by electronic voting is permissible where there is no reasonable possibility of convening a meeting in person to deal with an issue in an expedient manner. In all such cases, background materials and a specific motion shall be provided for members’ deliberation. Members shall be given a minimum of 24 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and University holidays) to post comments and/or questions about the motion via email. Immediately following the deliberation period, members will be given 24 hours to vote on the motion via return email. The results of the e-vote shall be recorded in the minutes and reported at the next Senate meeting.
  • The composition of this committee shall be as follows:
    1. The Chairperson of Senate, who shall chair;
    2. The Vice-Chairperson of Senate, who shall chair the committee in the absence of the Chairperson of Senate;
    3. The President of the University;
    4. The Vice-President, Academic and Research;
    5. The Deans;
    6. The Secretary of Senate (secretary);
    7. The Registrar;
    8. Two members and two alternates from the elected academic staff members of Senate. Should the elected member be unavailable for a meeting their alternate shall attend;
    9. One student senator, appointed by the Student’s Association.

Membership 2024-2025

Dr Karen Grandy, Chair of Senate (who shall chair)

Dr. Jason Grek-Martin, Vice-Chair of Senate (alternate chair)

Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, President

Dr. Madine VanderPlaat, Interim Vice-President, Academic and Research

Deans of Faculties (Arts, Bus, Science, FGSR)

Dr Christa Brosseau

Dr Veronica Stinson

Dr Andrew Hare (Alternate)

Dr Roby Austin (Alternate)

Mr. Dan Seneker, Registrar

Mr. Simbarashe Chiunda (Student Senator appt’d by SA to Apr/25)          

Ms. Francesca Southwell (Alternate Student Senator appt’d by SA to Apr/25)

Ms. Shannon Morrison, Secretary of Senate (Sect.)