Parking Tickets/Violations

Our security officers are responsible for ticketing vehicles that violate SMU parking regulations. Ticketable offenses are as follows:

  • Violations for meters with elapsed time or malfunctioning meters. Report all ‘out of order’ meters to University Security, McNally Main Basement. Parking permits are not valid at parking meters.
  • Parking on campus without a permit.
  • Parking in an area not designated as a parking area or using the incorrect type of permit.
  • Parking in an area that obstructs a fire hydrant, a loading/service door, a fire exit or parking in a fire lane.
  • Parking on grass, lawn or walkways.
  • Parking in an area that blocks a roadway, driveway, or entranceway.
  • Parking in a “No Parking” area that is designated by a sign, yellow curb or pavement markings.
  • Parking in a mobility disabled parking space without a university permit and a Registry of Motor Vehicle’s Mobility Disabled Identification Permit Plate or Tag.

The cost of a SMU parking ticket is $25.00. Tickets can be paid online with Visa or Mastercard by logging into your Ops-com account and navigating to the "payments" tab. Tickets are also payable to the secretary in the Facilities Management office, McNally South Building, MS011 between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. Only Saint Mary’s parking tickets can be paid here. Please note that all parking tickets must be paid before purchasing a parking permit.

How to Pay your ticket online if you are not registered on Ops-com

Parking violations can be paid online anonymously via Guest Payment. Please visit the link below and follow these steps to make a secure online payment.

  1. Navigate to the login window and select “Lookup your ticket”.
  2. From there, enter the ticket number, and search.
  3. Click on “anonymous payment” to display the payment window.
  4. Select your payment option and your email address for the receipt.
  5. Click “submit payment”.
  6. Enter your payment information and click “pay now”.

Received a ticket that you would like to appeal? Individuals have 24 hours to appeal after receiving a ticket.

To appeal a ticket, please fill in the attached form below and submit it with the violation either by email to or in-person to the security office in the McNally Main basement. Please ensure you are being as detailed as possible in your appeal for an accurate and timely ruling.

Form Icons - Download Free Vector Icons | Noun Project  Parking Violation Appeal Form

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