

Group A

Atlantic Canada Studies:

ACST 1000 Making Sense of Atlantic Canada 
ACST/IRST 1203 Scottish Gaelic I
ACST/IRST 1204 Scottish Gaelic II
ACST 2311 Inheriting Atlantic Canada
ACST 2313 Researching Atlantic Canada
ACST/HIST 2341 Atlantic Canada to Confederation
ACST/HIST 3242 Atlantic Canada Since Confederation
ACST/ENGL 2380 Literature of Atlantic Canada
ACST 2400 Health and Social Policy in Atlantic Canada
ACST 2826 – 2849 Selected Topics in Atlantic Canada Studies I
ACST 3305 Atlantic Canada Film and Television
ACST 3312 Living in Atlantic Canada
ACST 3320 Gender in Atlantic Canada
ACST 3321 African Nova Scotian Culture
ACST/IRST 3325 The Irish and Atlantic Canada
ACST/GEOG 3340 Geography of Nova Scotia 
ACST 3345 First Nations of the Atlantic Region
ACST/HIST 3354 The Foreign Protestants and the Founding of Lunenburg
ACST/HIST 3364 Nova Scotia in the Romantic Age, 1768-1836
ACST 3470 The British Black Atlantic
ACST 3826 – 3849 Selected Topics in Atlantic Canada Studies II
ACST 4400 Health, Illness and Disease in Atlantic Canada
ACST 4411 Atlantic Canada Seminar I
ACST 4500 Honours Seminar
ACST 4511 - 4512 Honours Seminar
ACST 4543 Indigenous Peoples in Atlantic Canada: Contemporary Issues
ACST/HIST 4565 Scottish Migration
ACST 4631 Environmental History of Atlantic Canada
ACST 4632 Atlantic Canada Ecology and Resources
ACST 4633 Reading teh Landscape of Atlantic Canada
ACST 4876 - 4899 Directed Readings


ANTH 2316 Indigenous Peoples of Canada
ANTH 3379 The Archaeology of Acadia
ANTH 4466 Researching Halifax Heritage


ECON 3324 The Atlantic Economy 
ECON 3325 The Atlantic Economy Seminar


ENGL 2462 Native North American Literature

Environmental Science:

 ENVS 3310 Field Course in Environmental Science


GEOG 3340 Geography of Nova Scotia
GEOG 3454 Bay of Fundy: Environments and Issues


GEOL 1202 Planet Earth: the Atlantic Canadian Perspective 
GEOL 1203 Earth History: Atlantic Canada Perspective
GEOL 1208 Environmental Geology: Atlantic Canada


HIST 4501 Public History

Political Science:

POLI 2307 Provincial Government and Politics

Religious Studies:

RELS 4390 Religion and Society in Atlantic Canada


SOCI 3310 Society and the Environment 

Group B

Atlantic Canada Studies:

ACST/IRST 2327 Scottish Gaelic - Intermediate
ACST/IRST 2328 Scottish Gaelic - Intermediate II


ANTH 3329 The Arctic Cultural Area
ANTH 3377 Urban Anthropology
ANTH 3378 Landscape Archaeology
ANTH/LING 3395 Language Issues in the Artic
ANTH/LING 3396 Language Issues in Canada
ANTH 4462 Method and Theory in Historical Archaeology


CRIM 3508 Corporate Crime
CRIM 3512 Youth Justice Philosophy, Models and Systems


ECON 3307 Money and Banking
ECON 3318 Public Finance: Expenditure
ECON 3319 Public Finance: Taxation
ECON 3322 Canadian Economic Issues
ECON 3340 Human Resource Economics
ECON/WMST 3349 Women and the Economy
ECON 3362 Natural Resource Economics
ECON 3363 Environmental Economics


EDUC/SOCI 3307 Sociology of Education


ENGL 3343 Cultural Studies
ENGL 3344 Canadian Literature to 1920
ENGL 3345 Canadian Literature After 1920
ENGL 3367 Canlit: the 60s and 70s
ENGL 3437 Canadian Drama
ENGL 3471 Contemporary Canadian Fiction
ENGL 3472 Contemporary Canadian Poetry
ENGL 4463 Imagining the North in Canadian Literature
ENGL 4465 Indigenous Literature Seminar

Environmental Science:

ENVS/BIOL 1203 Biology and the Human Environment
ENVS 4440 Environmental Policy


FINA 3364 Canadian Securities
FINA 4466 Investments
FINA 4471 Financial Institutions


FREN 3312 Introduction to Quebec Culture
FREN/LING 4440 Canadian French: Socialinguistic Perspectives
FREN 4440 Canadian French
FREN 4451 Quebecois Literature I
FREN 4452 Quebecois Literature II


GEOG 2310 Geography of Canada: Overview
GEOG 2315 The Oceans
GEOG 4434 Watershed Management
GEOG 4449 Tourist Geographies


HIST 1252 Canada to Confederation
HIST 1253 Canada: Confederation to the Present
HIST 1260 History of the Americas
HIST 3100 Canadian Women
HIST 3403 Invention of Canada
HIST/IRST 4566 Irish Migration


LING/SOC 2339 The Sociology of Language


MGMT 4498 Small Business Consultancy

Political Science:

POLI 1240 Politics and Business
POLI 2304 Canadian Politics in the 21st Century
POLI 3310 Government and the Media
POLI 3315 Canadian Foreign Policy
POLI 3450 Women and Canadian Politics

Religious Studies:

RELS 1210 Introduction to Religion
RELS 1211 Introduction to Religious Experience
RELS 3354 Aboriginal Peoples, Religion, and the Justice System
RELS 3355 Religion and Social Issues in Canada
RELS 3358 Religious Diversity in Canada


SOCI 3336 Sociology and Work
SOCI/WMST 4548 Feminist Analysis


Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Atlantic Canada Studies
McNally North 214