Academic Integrity

(1) Grading
All grades awarded by English Department instructors are given in accordance with the definitions of grades stated in Academic regulation 5a of the university calendar. As well, the department considers that the letter grades have the following significance.

  • A “ is reserved for excellence and A+ is awarded in exceptional circumstances”
  • B “is the entry level for an honours degree in this university; the B range indicates good to very good work”
  • C “is the grade given to "average" or "satisfactory" work”
  • D “is the grade for passing but not satisfactory work”
  • F “is the grade for failing work”

(2) Grade Requirements for English Majors 
Requirement 7 of the Faculty of Arts states that "In order to have major subjects or areas of concentration formally entered upon their records, students must have maintained a minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.00 (or an average grade of C)" and "must have fulfilled any additional requirements specified by their departments. . . . Students who fail to achieve this average may, provided that they fulfil all other requirements, graduate as non majors." What this means is that if your average grade is below C, you can't graduate with a major in English.

(3) Attendance and Participatio
As students, especially if you are doing Honours or Majors, you have a responsibility to yourself, other students, and the University to attend and participate in classes. This responsibility is even more pressing in upper level courses. Participation includes preparing assigned material before class, so you can discuss material and/or be an informed listener. Therefore, you should plan to study for approximately three hours for each hour of scheduled class time. Read any assigned material before coming to class and bring the assigned reading with you. Marks of up to 20% of the semester grade may be deducted for inadequacy in these areas.

(4) Assignment Deadlines 
You are expected to meet deadlines for assigned work. While most instructors allow for extenuating circumstances, they do not have to accept any late work.* Late work may be graded and returned without comment. * If you become seriously ill or suffer other personal misfortune, you should get in touch with your professors and/or the chair as soon as it is possible to do so in order to get guidance. Arrangements can be made to ensure that illness or personal misfortune is not made worse by academic penalties.

(5) Plagiarism 
Academic regulation 19b gives a definition of plagiarism as "the presentation of words, ideas or techniques of another as one's own." You should learn to recognise situations where plagiarism is likely to occur, and acquire the techniques of "proper citation" as soon as possible. Most English handbooks and the Department's A Brief Guide to the Preparation of Essays and Reports by Dr. Perkin explain the standard methods of documentation and citation. Instructors are ready to give advice, but will penalise any students who submit plagiarised work.

Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department of English Language and Literature
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street

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