
Our Alumni Stories

Photographic portrait of Maggie Rodwell in front of the living wall in the AtriumMaggie Rodwell

BA Hon Philosophy 2024

Thesis: "Living Alongside Wildfires: The Impact of Individualism on Wildfire Severity and Responsibility" with Dr. Emma McClure

Current: Maggie works with the British Columbia Wildfire Service

"Looking back on having started my degree in Biology and Forensic Science during the pandemic, I'm struck by the profound influence of the Philosophy Department on my academic and personal growth. It provided me with an incredible sense of community from professors that invested so much into their students' success, to peers that I equally learned so much from within our debates and discussions. I'm certain so much of what I learned throughout courses such as Environmental Ethics, Moral Responsibility, and Happiness will persist in guiding me throughout my future endeavours and something that excites me to continue sharing with others!"

Photograph of alumnus Jason BurnsJason Burns 

MA Philosophy 2023

Thesis: "Copyrights and Copylefts: re-imagining intellectual property" with Dr. Todd Calder

Current: PhD (Philosophy) at Dalhousie; full-time employment with the Royal Canadian Air Force

"I really enjoyed the access to faculty along with their willingness to engage and desire to see me succeed. The support I received to enable my research goals really highlighted what makes the Saint Mary's program unique and special."


Photograph of alumnus Dean JosephDean Joseph

BA Hon. Philosophy 2021

Current: PhD Student (Philosophy) at Queen's University

"I began undergraduate studies at Saint Mary's as a psychology major. I was minoring in philosophy until the end of my second year when my academic focus and professional goals shifted. This was in no small part due to several SMU philosophy professors. Their lectures, office hours, and the many other discussions we shared over email or in the halls of the McNally building, cultivated the academic interests I still pursue years later.

Since graduating from SMU, I completed an MA in philosophy at Concordia University, a research fellowship at the Social Justice Centre there, and have had research accepted at the Canadian Philosophical Association. I am now a PhD student in the philosophy department at Queen's University. 

I look back fondly on my years at SMU. I owe thanks to many faculty members in the SMU philosophy department for their guidance and mentorship. Without it, I would not have had the opportunities I since have enjoyed." 


A graduation portrait of alumnus Robbie MasonRobbie Mason

Ba Hon. Philosophy 2019

Current: Robbie works as a lawyer

"My time in the Philosophy Department at Saint Mary's was foundational to my further education and career. I think often of the philosophy courses I took as an undergrad and how they have shaped the way that I think about the world, thanks to the brilliant teaching of my professors in the Philosophy Department. Many fond memories were made socializing with my fellow majors, as a TA and as a philosophy research assistant - it was a truly well-rounded and high quality education."

Portrait of Preston TrenchPreston Trench

BA Philosophy 2016

Current: Preston works in social work

"Loved my time at SMU and studying Philosophy. I still have all of my texts and use them to ground me whenever I'm navigating difficult times." 



Photograph of alumnus James Urquhart in front of greeneryJames Urquhart

BA Hon. Philosophy 2011

Current: James works in social work in Manitoba

"My first philosophy class at St. Mary's with Dr. Wien turned out to be the foundation of how I would approach the world going forward (and here I thought it was just a way to get around taking a math class). The professors and the rest of the faculty at the university helped to guide me in re-examining almost all aspects of my life, and truly coming to a consensus on what I believed (which, of course I continued to examine, thanks Plato).

Although my initial dream was to become a lawyer and practice in the area of civil rights, during my masters degree I found myself drifting more towards hands-on advocacy, which inevitably led me to a career in social work in the field of child and family services. I love my job, but the way I practice is still consistent with the lessons I learned during my time at St. Mary's in the philosophy department; I question all, but still believe in the rights of all, and the goodness of humanity."

Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department of Philosophy
McNally North Wing; RM 508
Mailing address:
Saint Mary’s University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3