MSc in Applied Psychology

MSc in Applied Psychology (Industrial/Organizational Psychology)

The MSc in Applied Psychology (I/O) offers excellent training in a vibrant research-active atmosphere, with a scientist-practitioner approach to the scientific study of human behavior in organizations and the workplace. I/O Psychology focuses on deriving principles of individual, group and organizational behavior and applying this knowledge to solving problems at work. Graduates leave equipped with the skills for either applied work in organizations or for further PhD-level studies in I/O psychology. Our exceptional and well-recognized faculty offer courses in Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology, and the latest developments in psychological methods. Our students apply their learning during a paid internship in the field, and through teaching and research assistantships. Students also conduct and defend their own original research through their Master’s thesis.

The Benefits of Doing an MSc in Applied Psychology (I/O Psychology) at Saint Mary's

  • Learn to help organizations recruit, select, and manage the performance of employees
  • Learn to deal with critical organizational issues such as leadership, workplace fairness (including gender issues), workplace conflict, work motivation and occupational health.
  • Develop and apply organizationally relevant research skills including state-of-the art quantitative analysis
  • Obtain valuable, paid internship experience
  • Join a network of successful alumni who are working in the field
  • Work with the largest concentration of I/O faculty members in Canada and connect with the CN Centre for Occupational Health & Safety.

Admission Requirements

An honours degree in Psychology (or equivalent)

Application Deadlines and Key Dates

  • International: December 15
  • Canadian and permanent residents: December 15
  • Program Start Date: September
  • Minimum time to completion: 2 years

Apply Now

Program Coordinator

Dr. Debra Gilin
(902) 491-6211
McNally South 321

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Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

Online MSc program in Applied (I/O) Psychology

The online MSc program in Applied (I/O) Psychology has the same structure and content as the in-person MSc in I/O (i.e., 24 credits of coursework, internship, research thesis).

All courses are remote, although they are live/synchronous, and some are offered together with the in-person cohort (in a hybrid format).

The admission requirements for the online program, as well as the selection process, are the same as for the in-person program.

Please note that founding and tuition rates are different for the online program (online MSc student do not receive internal funding from the university and are not guaranteed TA roles, but they are still eligible to apply to external funding at the provincial or federal level).

MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology)

The Benefits of Doing an MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology) at Saint Mary’s

By completing an MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology) at Saint Mary's University you will:

  •  Know how to develop and evaluate forensic psychological measurement tools
  •  Know how to administer and interpret standardized risk assessment instruments
  •  Understand ethical and professional issues in applied forensic psychology
  •  Understand how forensic psychologists interact with the justice system, including forensic hospitals, law enforcement agencies, and correctional institutions
  •  Develop and apply organizationally relevant research skills including program evaluations
  •  Learn about conducting applied forensic research from initial conceptualization of the project to dissemination of research findings
  •  Conduct and interpret powerful statistical analyses that are used to test research hypotheses
  •  Obtain valuable practicum experience in a forensic psychology context

Please note that completing this program will not lead to registration as a psychologist or other professional designation.

Dr. Nicolas Roulin
Acting Graduate Program Coordinator (2024-25)
McNally South 319
Phone: 902-420-5831
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Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

Online Diploma program in Personnel Psychology

The online Diploma program is a shorter, course-based program (no research thesis or internship).

It can be completed full-time (one year) or part-time.

It includes 15 credits of coursework, with 3 core courses (Adv. Statistics and Research Methods Part 1, Advanced Assessment, Personnel Psychology) and two elective courses. All courses are equivalent to those offered in the MSc programs.

The admission requirements and selection process are similar to the MSc programs in I/O Psychology, although past research experience and research interests have less weight.

Contact us
Department of Psychology
Mailing address:
McNally Building South Wing (MS 323)
923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS
B3H 3C3

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