Click the event links for up-to-date details.
Book Talk: Nazorean: How a Jewish Wisdom Sect Gave Birth to the ChurchAuthor: Kem Luther
Join us for a book talk with Kem Luther. A response will be provided by Margaret MacDonald.
Friday, March 7th 1-2 p.m.MM227
Refreshments will be provided.
RESAC Conference Registration is Open!Register Here
The Department of Religion is proud to present the 2025 Religious Studies in Atlantic Canada Conference. Space is limited so register today!
Public Lunch Lecture
Civil Rights Struggles and American Muslims
Dr. Amir Hussain from Loyola Marymount University will present a public lecture followed by Q&A.
Date and Time: February 28th at 12:00 pm
Location: MM227
Lunch will be provided
Let's Go to the SMUvies!
SMUvies does Reality TV Dating
Date and Time: **POSTPONED** February 27th at 6:00 pm
Location: Sobey Hub 324
Pizza, cake and prizes will be provided. Dressing up is encouraged!
Public Lecture Series
The Use of the Bible and Holocaust Memory in the Present Moment
Dr. Timothy Langille from Arizona State University will present a public lecture followed by Q&A.
Date and Time: January 17th at 12:00 pm
(Tall) Tales from the Cave: Ancient Scrolls, Modern Scholars, and the Making of Manuscript Discovery Stories
Dr. Eva Mroczek from Dalhousie University will present a public lecture followed by Q&A.
Date and Time: November 22th at 12:00 pm
Queer for Fear: A SMUvies and Pride Society Monster Mashup
Date and Time: Oct 30th at 6:00 pm
Catholic Studies Public Lecture
Faith in the Making: The Evolution of Christian Faith from the Beginnings to the Fifth Century CE
Date and Time: October 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Scotiabank Conference Theatre
Reception to Follow
Faith in the Making Poster
Pop Divas: The Musical and Cultural Pantheon
Date and Time: Sept 12th at 6:00 pm
Location: Sobey Hub 325
God Beyond Theology or Ethics: Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Political Morality
Daphna Levit will present a public lecture followed by Q&A.
Date and Time: September 20th at 12:00 pm
Hinduish: History, Politics, and Identity-Making in the Hindu Diaspora
Dr. Sailaja Krishnamurti from Queen's University will present a public lecture followed by Q&A.
Wajd: Songs of Separation
Join us for a screening of Amar Chebib's 2018 film Wajd: Songs of Separation. Director Q&A will follow.
Date: May 23rd at 5 pmLocation: Burke Theatre B
Director Q&A will follow.
Conference on the Study of Islam and Muslims - Movements
The Department for the Study of Religion is proud to collaborate with the Canadian Association for the Study of Islam and Muslims (CASIM) to present its second biennial conference titled "Movements" from May 23rd to 24th.
Registration will be available up to and including the first day of the conference. Click here to register!
SMUvies Strikes Back: A Star Wars Panel and Gathering
Date and Time: May 4th at 6:00 pm
Location: Atrium 101
The Merit of Meat: Politics of Vegetarianism among Buddhist Charities in Vietnam Ideology
Date and Time: March 28th at 1:00 pm
Converging Governmentalities: The Emergence of Catholic Residential Schools
Date and Time: March 25th at 7:00 pm
Reception to follow
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