
The Honours thesis may seem like a daunting task, but with the help of the Department for the Study of Religion and your faculty thesis adviser, we believe it will be one of your most rewarding academic experiences. Pursuing a thesis topic of your choice is a wonderful opportunity to experience firsthand the creative processes that are fundamental to universities. You will benefit from the mentorship provided by your thesis adviser and the advice and support of your committee. Our hope is that by completing the Honors thesis, you will develop an appreciation for the challenges, complexities, and rewards of creative activities.

Photograph of paper lanterns floating up into the night sky at the Thai Lantern FestivalMany Honours graduates say that the Honors thesis is one of the highlights of their undergraduate academic experience. The thesis allowed them to explore areas of their most passionate interests, engage in the process of discovery, and work one-on-one with outstanding faculty. Former students have used their theses to gain entrance into graduate programs where creative accomplishments are highly valued. The Honours thesis has benefits beyond university as well. Even if you do not plan to attend graduate school in the near future, the thesis experience is an impressive accomplishment to list on your resume. It shows that you are creative and hard working – characteristics highly valued in today's job market.


Admission & Continuation

To be admitted to the Study of Religion Honors program, a student must apply formally through the University Registrar.  Students are advised to consult the Academic Calendar for a description of the requirements for admission into an Honors degree program. Students must fulfil requirements listed in the Academic Calendar for Continuation in and Graduation from an Honors program.

Honours Application Form

Combined Honors

Students in a combined Honors program should consult the pertinent Academic Calendar regulations. As early as possible they should consult with the Department Chairpersons or their designate on the requirements for a specific interpretation of the courses and requirements in each department for a Double Honors. Every effort will be made to accommodate students wishing to complete a double Honors.


Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department for the study of Religion
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3