Community Partners

Information for Community Partners

Who are SL Community Partners?

The Community Partner determines the community or organizational priorities and the Service Learning Office works to connect these identified priorities to courses that relate to the needed service. As Community Partners, organizations have a significant opportunity to act as co-educators in student's education and growth. SL Community Partners can be located both on and off-campus, but generally, they are: Non-profits, Publicly Funded Institutions and Social Enterprises.

What is my role as a Community Partner?

How does SL benefit Community Partners?

  • Provides additional human resources, which in turn allows Community Partners to increase services and accomplish goals that may otherwise not have been possible

  • Recognizes and values the community and organizations as co-educators that have the knowledge to share

  • Extends academic knowledge and skills that students have gained through their university studies to the community

  • Fosters collaboration between the university and the community

  • Creates space for a youth perspective in the delivery of social programs

  • Potential for SL students to become volunteers within the organization after the course has ended

Interested in learning more? 

The Service Learning Office is happy to connect with you and help you plan a Service Learning partnership that contributes to the work that you and your organization/program already do or one that uses the specific skills of our students to contribute something unique to your organization/program.

Contact the Service Learning Office:

Contact us
Career & Experiential Learning
4th, Floor Student Centre
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
923 Robie Street

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