
Sexual violence prevention and response can feel like a big topic. There is lots to learn and information and resources to help!  Contact the Sexual Violence Advisor for more information and support: 902 420 5215 

Learn about Sexual Violence

What is Consent? 

Consent is an active, affirmative, conscious, direct, unimpaired and voluntary agreement to engage and continue to engage in a sexual activity. It is an individual’s responsibility to make sure that they have the other person’s consent to engage in sexual activity. 

Learn about what is and what is not considered consent. 

What is Sexual Violence? 

Sexual violence is any act targeting a person’s sexuality, whether physical or psychological, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without their consent. Anyone, regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation can become a victim to sexual violence. Sexual violence can significantly impact physical and mental wellbeing of individuals and communities. 

Learn facts and myths surrounding sexual violence. 

What is Sexual Assault? 

Sexual assault is a type of sexual violence that constitutes a non-consensual sexual act done by one person to another that violates the sexual integrity of that person and involves a range of behaviours from any unwanted touching to penetration. Sexual assault may include a broad range of behaviours that involve the use of force, threats or control towards a person, or which make that person feel uncomfortable, distressed, frightened, or threatened, and/or which are carried out in circumstances where the person has not freely provided consent. 

Learn about what is considered sexual violence. 

What is Rape Culture?  

Rape culture” is a term that describes an environment where rape is prevalent, normalized and accepted as inevitable. Rape culture does not necessarily mean that society or individual people promote sexual violence in an outward, active manner. Rather rape culture is largely perpetuated via unexamined and false beliefs. 

Some examples of rape culture include myths about sexual violence, victim blaming, language that trivializes rape, jokes, sexual objectification in ads, images that glamourize sexual violence, song lyrics that send confusing and harmful messages about consent, and more. 

Learn more about Rape Culture. 

Learn about Prevention Education

Consent at Saint Mary's Online Brightspace Module 

Explore this online material at your own pace to learn about ways to prevent sexual violence and to support those who have experienced it. The module includes interactive components that includes video, audio, etc. Sign up for this course in Brightspace using the self-registration process and looking for the course titled, "Consent at Saint Mary's".

Res Consent Project

This student-led team is dedicated to increasing conversations in residence buildings and residence communities about sexual consent. Through sex-positivity programming and a harm reduction approach, they promote discussion about sexual consent and safer sex in our community.

Learn more about the Res Consent Project.

Learn about Supporting Survivors

Nova Scotia Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence Online Resource

This training is designed to help you learn more about sexual violence and how to support someone who has survived it. The course is free and you'll receive a certificate once completed. Completion of this course is recognized on the Co-Curricular Record.

Visit here to access the course.

Contact us
Dee Dooley, Sexual Violence Advisor
409 Student Centre

Get Help Now

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